Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Energy Security And Development Of Energy - 2718 Words
1. Introduction Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development. As the world biggest developing country, China’s demand for energy will experience a steady increase with the development of the economy . However, many problems are facing the energy security in rural China. At the early state of energy shortage, state policy indicated that the rural energy needed to be self-reliance. Actually, rural energy is a buffer of China’s energy system . With the development of the China’s economy, the government begun to realize the importance of energy security in rural China. As the important sector of national energy policy, the energy development of the rural area is guided by the sustainable energy strategy in China. Meanwhile, environmental issues were induced by massive fossil energy consumption. Most of energy is generated by non-renewable fossil resources in China. These resources will be exhausted in the following couple of decades. Otherwise, the enviro nmental issues were also exposed, most of greenhouse gas and pollutants emission are generated during the process of fossil energy production and use. Renewable energy resources, due to their zero or near-zero emissions of GHGs and air pollutants, are progressively becoming a greater part of the global energy sector . In the national level, Chinese government planned non-fossil fuel energy to reach 11.4 percent and 15 percent of the total energy consumption by 2015 and 2020 . In rural China,Show MoreRelatedThe Economic Decision Making For Obama s Two Parent962 Words  | 4 Pagescomprehensive energy strategy increasingly takes on the character of selective policy, concentrating not on a wide range of energy, but only on shale gas and oil. America is increasingly dependent on oil and gas consumption. This situation does not seem to cause any rejections. Scientists call this phenomenon a cognitive dissonance; which White House initiatives inherently possess. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Personality Psychology and People Free Essays
Monique Contero INFJ Tu. Th. 8 pm 10/23/2012 I learned that I am â€Å"The Protector†my primary focus of living is internal; I take things in through intuition. We will write a custom essay sample on Personality Psychology and People or any similar topic only for you Order Now I also learned that my secondary mode is external; I deal with things according to how I feel about them and how they fit with my beliefs. I am a gentle, caring, complex person who is very intuitive. I am also artistic and creative. I put great importance on keeping things orderly and systemic. I put most of my energy into finding the best system in getting things done. I am usually right and I usually know I am but sometimes I don’t know why. I put a lot of faith and trust into my instincts and intuitions because most of the time I can sense things most people can’t see or feel. I get strong feelings and I can understand people. When someone is going through something I can usually feel it inside myself. I am a deep and complex individual but I am usually quiet and very observant. Most people don’t understand me and I don’t open up much to people I don’t know. I hold a special place in most people’s heart to the people whom I am close to because I have a big heart and compassion for them. I usually care more about people’s feelings then I care about my own. I don’t like conflict and when conflict arises I am sensitive towards it. I get irritated or angry when there’s conflict and I don’t know how to tolerate it and I get stressed out over it. I am a stubborn and I don’t like listening to other people’s opinions. I am also a perfectionist. I am never at peace with myself because I know I can do better. I believe that change happens with us before it can happen in the world. I am easygoing though. I am devoted, patient, protective around people I care about who get hurt by others, and I am a natural nurturer. In the workplace I am always coming up with creative ideas and I like working alone. The field I am best in is fields that are self orientated and allow me to use my creativity and instincts to help the world. I am the type of person that belongs in social work or working in law because I am a natural protector and I believe in growth. I can use my personality traits to help people to come up with new ideas to help the company expand. How to cite Personality Psychology and People, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cash Budgets Essay Sample free essay sample
A hard currency budget is a budget that focuses on hard currency grosss and payments that are expected to happen in the hereafter. We will write a custom essay sample on Cash Budgets Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cash direction is one of the chief of import factors in a concern. A company that experiences hard currency deficits could be forced into bankruptcy in the hereafter. Businesss that have extra hard currency can lose the chance to gain investing income or can cut down involvement costs by refunding debt. A hard currency budget can state direction awaited hard currency deficits or extra hard currency balances. A hard currency budget can assist direction program financing activities. do agreements to cover deficits by borrowing and be aftering to refund past adoptions and do the right investings when the surplus of hard currency is expected. ( Edmonds. 2012 ) . Budgets are normally prepared utilizing spreadsheets or computerized mathematical theoretical accounts that allow directors an analysis of what could go on in the hereafter. A hard currency budget is divided into three chief subdivisions. ( 1 ) A hard currency reception subdivision which is the hard currency available and it is figured out by adding the beginning hard currency balance to hard currency grosss from its clients. ( 2 ) a hard currency payment ( or expense ) subdivision which includes expected hard currency escapes for stock list purchases. S A ; A disbursals ( selling and administrative disbursal ) . investings. and involvement disbursal and ( 3 ) a funding subdivision which is hard currency deficits or refunds. The information needed to fix a hard currency budget can be found in hard currency grosss and payment agendas. ( Edmonds. 2012 ) . The hard currency grosss subdivision consists of a listing of all the hard currency influxs. anticipate for funding expected during the budgeting period. The chief beginning of grosss will be from gross revenues. The hard currency payment ( or expense ) subdivision consists of all hard currency payments that are planned for the budgeted period. The payments will include natural stuffs purchases. direct labour payments. fabricating overhead costs. and so on as labeled in their several budgets. Besides. other hard currency expenses such as equipment purchase. dividends. and other hard currency backdowns by proprietors are listed. However. if a hard currency lack during any period. the company may necessitate to borrow financess. but if there is hard currency surplus during the any budgeting period. financess borrowed in old periods can be repaid or the extra hard currency can be invested. The funding subdivision trades with the adoptions and refunds projected to take topographic point during the budget period. It besides includes involvement payments that will be due on money borrowed. ( Myers. 2010 ) . Cash budgets should be broken down into clip periods that are short and easy to follow. Fluctuations in hard currency balances may be hidden by looking at a longer clip period. Monthly hard currency budgets are the most common. many concerns budget hard currency on a hebdomadal or even on a day-to-day footing. Cash budgets build on other budgets like the gross revenues budget. stock list budget. and the merchandising and administrative budgets. Cash budget helps the directors to find any inordinate idle hard currency or hard currency deficit that is expected during the period. ( Myers. 2010 ) . Mentions Edmonds. T. . McNair. F. . Olds. P. . Tsay. B. ( 2012 ) Survey of Accounting. 3rd erectile dysfunction. McGraw- Hill. Irwin. Myers. R. ( 2010 ) . Accounting for Management. Cash Budgets.Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. accounting4management. com/cash_budgets. htm
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Julius Caesar And Superstitions Essays - , Term Papers
Julius Caesar And Superstitions Superstitions are thought to be irrational, and resulting from either ignorance, or fear of the unknown. Some believe that superstitions can take control of their life, for instance, if a black cat crosses you're path, you will have bad luck. Most regard this as folklore and witchcraft. In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, superstitions took hold and played an important part of many people's lives. The characters believed that they were getting a vision into their future. Each character dealt with the superstition differently, some feared them, and some disbelieved them. These superstitions not only gave the characters, but also the audience quick looks at what is to come. They are important, and help shape the way the play was performed, and interpreted. The first superstition, which was clearly visible, is the soothsayer, who in the first act tells Caesar beware the ides of March. This is a superstition, because it is irrational, and it comes from a situation of high risk, and involves influences, which are unseen. This also shows Caesar's arrogance, its not just that he is not superstitious, but he also does not even let the soothsayer explain himself. He laughs at the soothsayer, and says "he is a dreamer, let us leave him, pass." The soothsayer is warning him of his own death date, and he laughs at him. He does not believe in superstition, and this is clear by his reaction, many others in his situation would be fearful of the ides of March, from the warning and omen, he got. Caesar believes he is more powerful then destiny, and that he will have nothing to worry about. Caesar's arrogance cost him his life, and showed that superstitions sometimes do come true. The next superstition occurred the day of his death. Calpurina urges Caesar not to go to senate today. She tells Caesar of the horrible dream she had, the night before the ides of March. Caesar recalls the dream to the other men. "The cause is in my will. I will not come. That is enough to satisfy the senate. But for you're private satisfaction, because I love you, I will let you know. Calpurnia here, my wife stays me out home. She dreamt tonite she saw my statue, which like a fountain with an hundred spouts, did run pure blood; and many lust Romans came smiling and did bathe their hands in it. And these does she apply for warnings and portents and evils imminent, and on her knee hath begged that I stay at home today"(Shakespeare, 79-81) Caesar just recalled and foreshadowed his own death, and yet he still leaves for the senate. Caesar's arrogance is again showed. He does not believe in fortune telling, or superstitions, although everything is warning him of the upcoming danger he is about to face. His wife however, is the opposite of him, in that she is very superstitious, she fears her dream, and fears for her husband. There was also another warning Caesar received. When several men killed a beast, in the streets, they slaughtered him, and found no heart. This slaughtering of the beast was also a superstition, for the men believed they could use the beast to determine, if there would be danger today. This is an excellent example of a superstition, since it something to us that seems irrational, but to superstitious people, they would believe that a beast could foretell the future. Everyone, other then Caesar, and in the audience, could clearly see that he should have not left his home that day, but Caesar believed he was smarter then any omen, or superstition. This was his ultimate down fall. The other superstition that played part in this play, was when Brutus was confronted with the ghost of Caesar, before he entered battle. This superstition foretells of his own down fall. The ghost comes to him, as he is sitting up reading in his tent. "Ha, who comes here- I think it is the weakness of mine eyes that shapes this monstrous apparition. It comes upon me-Art thou any thing? Art thou some god, some angel or some devil, that makest my blood cold and my hair to stare? Speak to what thou art." "Thy, evil spirit, Brutus" "why com'st thou?" "To tell the thou shall see me at Phillippi" " Well, then I shall see thee again?" "Ay, at Philippi"(171-173) This is Brutus's superstition, about going into battle. He is fearful of death, and of Caesar. He knew that the ghost
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Letters of a Wonam Homesteader essays
Letters of a Wonam Homesteader essays In Letters of a Woman Homesteader, there are several ideas and themes that are present. Mixed among them are conflict, geography and gender roles but deep within the letters and a word of Elinore Pruitt Stewart, no other theme is more prevalent than that of community. Community can be defined as people living together closely, socially as well as physically. And in my opinion, community often involves sharing, which we see in this book quite often. First off, I would just like to discuss some of the other themes that took place in the book. Geography was actually a huge element as Elinore described unique environments throughout. In her first letter she talk about how she cant plant because of 15 feet of snow and how they only have three seasons, winter, July and August. Even as the letters continued, she claimed that snow was yet too deep. One time sticks out in my head when Elinore could see that the snow was so great that it had pressed the branches of threes down so low that she was hitting her head. Her response was quite simply, Such a snowstorm I never saw. Her descriptions of the land were extremely vivid, especially when she talked of leaving the snow-capped mountains for the desolate buttes. Although I didnt see it was being a much as a part of the book as other things, I did see conflict in certain spots. Two that stick in my mind are the death and aftermath of Benny Louderer and the other being the letter about horse thievery. Like I stated, I didnt really find this to be as huge as the geography, community or even gender roles but they presented a sort of conflict in their own little way. Benny Louderer especially because the mother was to never know how her dear son died. Briefly, I would like to mention gender because I had some interesting thoughts about it as I read. First of all, I found it unique that Elinore was skilled as she was. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The 300 Million Year History of Amphibian Evolution
The 300 Million Year History of Amphibian Evolution Heres the strange thing about amphibian evolution: You wouldnt know it from the small and rapidly dwindling population of frogs, toads, and salamanders alive today, but for tens of millions of years spanning the late Carboniferous and early Permian periods, amphibians were the dominant land animals on Earth. Some of these ancient creatures achieved crocodile-like sizes, up to 15 feet long (which may not seem so big today but was positively huge 300 million years ago) and terrorized smaller animals as the apex predators of their swampy ecosystems. Before going further, its helpful to define what the word amphibian means. Amphibians differ from other vertebrates in three main ways: First, newborn hatchlings live underwater and breathe via gills, which then disappear as the juvenile undergoes a metamorphosis into its adult, air-breathing form. Juveniles and adults can look very different, as in the case of tadpoles and full-grown frogs. Second, adult amphibians lay their eggs in water, which significantly limits their mobility when colonizing the land. And third, the skin of modern amphibians tends to be slimy rather than reptile-scaly, which allows for the additional transport of oxygen for respiration. The First Amphibians As is often the case in evolutionary history, its impossible to pinpoint the exact moment when the first tetrapods, the four-legged fish that crawled out of the shallow seas 400 million years ago and swallowed gulps of air with primitive lungs, turned into the first true amphibians. In fact, until recently, it was fashionable to describe these tetrapods as amphibians, until it occurred to experts that most tetrapods didnt share the full spectrum of amphibian characteristics. For example, three important genera of the early Carboniferous period- Eucritta, Crassigyrinus, and Greererpeton- can be variously described as either tetrapods or amphibians, depending on which features are being considered. Its only in the late Carboniferous period, from about 310 to 300 million years ago, that we can comfortably refer to the first true amphibians. By this time, some genera had attained relatively monstrous sizes- a good example being Eogyrinus (dawn tadpole), a slender, crocodile-like creature that measured 15 feet from head to tail. Interestingly, the skin of Eogyrinus was scaly rather than moist, evidence that the earliest amphibians needed to protect themselves from dehydration. Another late Carboniferous/early Permian genus, Eryops, was much shorter than Eogyrinus but more sturdily built, with massive, tooth-studded jaws and strong legs. At this point, its worth noting a rather frustrating fact about amphibian evolution: Modern amphibians, which are technically known as lissamphibians, are only remotely related to these early monsters. Lissamphibians, which include frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and rare earthworm-like amphibians called caecilians, are believed to have radiated from a common ancestor that lived in the middle Permian or early Triassic periods, and its unclear what relationship this common ancestor may have had to late Carboniferous amphibians like Eryops and Eogyrinus. Its possible that modern lissamphibians branched off from the late Carboniferous Amphibamus, but not everyone subscribes to this theory. Prehistoric Amphibians: Lepospondyls and Temnospondyls As a general rule, the amphibians of the Carboniferous and Permian periods can be divided into two camps: small and weird-looking (lepospondyls), and big and reptilelike (temnospondyls). The lepospondyls were mostly aquatic or semiaquatic, and more likely to have the slimy skin characteristic of modern amphibians. Some of these creatures (such as Ophiderpeton and Phlegethontia) resembled small snakes; others, like Microbrachis, were reminiscent of salamanders, and some were simply unclassifiable. A good example of the last is Diplocaulus: This three-foot-long lepospondyl had a huge, boomerang-shaped skull, which might have functioned as an undersea rudder. Dinosaur enthusiasts should find the temnospondyls easier to swallow. These amphibians anticipated the classic reptilian body plan of the Mesozoic Era: long trunks, stubby legs, big heads, and in some cases scaly skin, and many of them (like Metoposaurus and Prionosuchus) resembled large crocodiles. Probably the most infamous of the temnospondyl amphibians was the impressively named Mastodonsaurus; the name means nipple-toothed lizard and has nothing to do with the elephant ancestor. Mastodonsaurus had an almost comically oversized head that accounted for nearly a third of its 20-foot-long body. For a good portion of the Permian period, the temnospondyl amphibians were the top predators of the Earths landmasses. That all changed with the evolution of the therapsids (mammal-like reptiles) toward the end of the Permian period. These large, nimble carnivores chased the temnospondyls back into the swamps, where most of them slowly died out by the beginning of the Triassic period. There were a few scattered survivors, though: For example, the 15-foot-long Koolasuchus thrived in Australia in the middle Cretaceous period, about a hundred million years after its temnospondyl cousins of the northern hemisphere had gone extinct. Introducing Frogs and Salamanders As stated above, modern amphibians (lissamphibians) branched off from a common ancestor that lived anywhere from the middle Permian to the early Triassic periods. Since the evolution of this group is a matter of continuing study and debate, the best we can do is to identify the earliest true frogs and salamanders, with the caveat that future fossil discoveries may push the clock back even further. Some experts claim that the late Permian Gerobatrachus, also known as the frogamander, was ancestral to these two groups, but the verdict is mixed. As far as prehistoric frogs are concerned, the best current candidate is Triadobatrachus, or triple frog, which lived about 250 million years ago, during the early Triassic period. Triadobatrachus differed from modern frogs in some important ways: For example, it had a tail, the better to accommodate its unusually large number of vertebrae, and it could only flail its hind legs rather than use them to execute long-distance jumps. But its resemblance to modern frogs is unmistakable. The earliest known true frog was the tiny Vieraella of early Jurassic South America, while the first true salamander is believed to have been Karaurus, a tiny, slimy, big-headed amphibian that lived in late Jurassic central Asia. Ironically- considering that they evolved over 300 million years ago and have survived, with various waxings and wanings, into modern times- amphibians are among the most threatened creatures on the Earth today. Over the last few decades, a startling number of frog, toad, and salamander species have spiraled toward extinction, though no one knows exactly why. The culprits may include pollution, global warming, deforestation, disease, or a combination of these and other factors. If current trends persist, amphibians may be the first major classification of vertebrates to disappear off the face of the Earth.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The impact of celebrity endorsement Coursework
The impact of celebrity endorsement - Coursework Example Marketing has always been a challenge and more so for products that are costlier as the customers for the same are restricted in numbers due to need for higher purchasing power. The common products of daily use are a must for all, and although the marketers need to push these products too, due to high competition by similar products, the real test for marketing lies in pushing the highly priced premium products like watches that can only attract discerning buyers who wish to be seen as a class apart from the ordinary buyer. Brands like Rolex, Omega and Breitling fall under this category of products. The rationale of a watch is to show accurate time and almost any watch can serve the purpose. However their class, premium features, speciality materials, extraordinary quality and their aura command certain respect from both the customer and the onlooker. They exude an aura for the user and awe of the observer. What motivates the customer to buy them? How are these marketed? Is value created through normal advertising or does it need special advertising support in form of celebrity endorsement? 2.0 Advertisement Companies need to advertise in order to spearhead their marketing efforts. Earlier advertisements were informative in nature and were used to convey the properties of the products and their general usefulness. Price information became a part of advertisement in order to bring home the point about it being affordable and competitive. The homogeneity of many products needed some distinguishing factors and for this branding of products was the new method of distinctiveness. A company could have different brands for a variety of products. Later even the branding of the company became an identifying factor for excellence of products or service. 2.1 Medium of Advertisements The first medium was the print media as this was the prevalent mass method and targeted consumers could read about the products. Rival companies made campaigns out of such advertisements and from positive advertisements portraying the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Marketing - Essay Example CLASS NUMBER: †¦4†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. TITLE/TOPIC OF ASSIGNMENT: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Marketing 100 Situational Analysis†¦/Target Market Identification Report and Collage †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.. Please read the following and sign where indicated DECLARATION: I/We declare the attached assignment is my/our own work and has not previously been submitted for assessment. This work complies with Curtin College rules concerning plagiarism and academic misconduct. [Refer to the Policy library on www.curtincollege.edu.au for full details on our Plagiarism and Student Misconduct polices.] I/We have retained a copy of this assignment for my own records. Signed: ____Wang Jue__________________________________________ Date___10 December 2010___________ This document is current at 31/08/2010. Page 1 of 1 1.0 Situation Analysis 1.1 Current Marketing Mix 1.1.1 Current Product Sunsilk Co-Creations-Addictive Brill iant Shine Shampoo is one of new Sunsilk’s Co-creations hair care line products. It consists of chemical as well as natural ingredients. The ingredients of the shampoo were chosen to achieve healthy shine, to co-create Sunsilk’s most advanced Addictive Brilliant Shine formulation for healthy hair that dazzles with shine (Unilever in Australia, 2011). Therefore, consumers benefit from buying a product in the form of healthy hair and â€Å"brilliant shine†. The company has teamed up with Jamal Hammadi from LA hair dresser to Hollywood stars and famous for his natural approach to achieve healthy shine (Unilever in Australia, 2011). It has inherent to all Sunsilk products cambered package, so customers can easily identify the shampoo as Sunsilk’s product. The bottle has red color and a big symbolic sign â€Å"!†on the front. The package developed by Brown Inc. (Brown Inc. 2011) makes product look modern and even hi-tech. This features distinct the pro duct from other shampoos and attract customers at the same time. Sunsilk Co-Creations-Addictive Brilliant Shine Shampoo is a part of hair care complex consisting of the shampoo and conditioner. Therefore, customers are given reason to by the shampoo together with the conditioner. The main targeted groups of customers are females between 16 to 40 with middle and high income level. Other groups of customers also might buy the product. Sunsilk Shampoo might be classified as staple goods because customers can use it regularly although they easily switch to another similar shampoo if the one is absent. Therefore, the shampoo is a star product of Unilever’s new product line. Its modern, professional and high-tech. It has original features that attract customers however; people can easily identify one of Sunsilk’s products. Customers can use it regularly although they easily switch to another similar shampoo if the one is absent. 1.1.2 Current Pricing The shampoo market is hi gh-competitive. There are many brands but in fact the most of them are owned by a few corporations such as Unilever, Procter&Gamble and Schwarzkopf. Sunsilk brand belongs to Unilever, the second biggest shampoo market company in the world. Unilever (2011) claims to practice value-based pricing. This means that the price is set based on the value a customer receives using the product. The primary importance of this kind of pricing is to encourage demand through setting the price according to customers feeling of the real value of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analyse the suns newspaper leading article Essay Example for Free
Analyse the suns newspaper leading article Essay The Sun is a tabloid newspaper, which is generally short and easy to read. The word spirit adds evidence that The Sun targets a simple audience, which dont have to be highly educated. The Sun is aimed at the middle class market (red top). As well as being strictly right-wing politics, the paper also has an untrustworthy reputation, they can also have tendency to exaggerate the truth and even print lies. Papers often exaggerate to make the situation sound more devastating and to have a more dramatic effect on the reader. The Sun gives a graphical view into what happened on September the 11th. The article on the 12th September 2001 is presented quite visually. The paper uses headlines to attract the readers attention and to summarise the facts of the article. The main title for the article is The Sun Says. The title is printed in large capital letters, is bold and has white letters printed on a black background. White letters on a black background are used to focus people attention on the title. Bold text is also used to make certain text stand out from the rest. The heading is to summarise the article, which is what The sun says This short unfinished sentence makes the reader want read on and this creates suspense as well as getting reader interest. This heading is also influencing the readers point of view. The main Sub heading is All the world must unite to defeat these evil cowards. This heading is printed in large letters, is bold, underlined, has white letters on a black background and in the centre of the article. The heading is in the centre of the article this is to break up the text and grab peoples attention. The heading is used to give a message, which in this case is everyone, must join together to find out who committed this unprovoked attack. This heading is also exaggerated to creating drama and excitement to stimulate the interest of the reader. Below the sub heading in a picture of some of the people caught up in the accident. This is eye catching and is reinforcing what is being said in the text. The picture is followed by the caption Terror victims. New York workers flee the devastation covered in dust yesterday This caption is to get a certain response from the reader. The writer varies the sentence lengths to make short sentences punchy and hard-hitting on the audience. This simple short sentences They must is the first sentence of the article after the subheading. Short sentences are to emphasise a certain point. The point for this sentence is really the answer to the sub heading before it. This has a dramatic effect on its audience to unite in the wake of yesterdays horrors. An additional short sentence is Not after yesterday. This is due to the amount of lives that were lost and threat of another attack. This is playing on the audiences emotions. The writer uses a variety of techniques to help write a powerful article. Emotive language is used to provoke a certain response this can be demonstrated by the phrase But the world will never be the same again. This phrase is used to provoke an emotional response from the audience because the towers will never be rebuilt or be the same again. In order to create emotions, The Sun had to be biased and argue their point in order to get a certain emotion, among the audience. The writer uses the single word exactly which is written in Italic writing. This is to emphasise the word and make it stand out from the rest of the paragraph. The word is also to persuade the audience to adopt their point of view. Bold text stand is used several times throughout the article. Various examples of the bold text are It is our duty to support them, both morally and if necessary practically and They must be hunted down and killed. These quote are both subtitles. These subtitles are bold to catch the readers attention and make you want to read more. The bold also makes the text stand out from the rest of the paragraph. Both of these sentences give the read a feeling that if there is a war then we should back America. A rhetorical question is often asked for effect, this is to get a reader interested in what is happening. Were his words treated as bravado rather that a dire threat? By asking a question the reader is leaving the answer up to the readers imagination and for them to draw their own opinion. In addition, the writer also uses questions from famous people in order to support their view. By quoting the prime minister the writer helps to support this view and it gets the paper politically involved. Tony Blair quoted, The terrorists were in human Journalists often exaggerate the truth to have a greater impact on the reader. For example The world will NEVER be the same again. By exaggerating the story the writer is trying to create a more devastating story. By developing and twisting the story the writer is assuming what has happened, but cant prove what actually took place. This is called suppression and is created by saying an example of this is If they had a nuclear bomb, they would use it. Exaggeration is also being used to influence the readers point of view like in the phrase describing the disaster similar to Armageddon, Death Wish and the Towering Inferno. Writers some times use rhyming phrases in order to create phrases or slogans to keep the suspense of the article. Examples of rhyming phrases in the article include George W. Bush will not shirk from using might in the cause of right. And we have won before. We will win again. By playing on words, using Rhyming phrases and repetition the writer is focusing on a certain point or word. In this case the word is we which is at the end of the article to get across the point that we can win. The Language used in the Sun is informative, angry and sad. The language is a key tool in making a newspaper as affective as possible as it keeps the audience interested. A great example of this is the phrase New York workers flee the devastation of yesterday. This example of sad language is to provoke angry response from the audience. The language is also dramatic an example of this is he must be bold. This is to provoke the response that George Bush must be brave and daring. At the time of the disaster I was at school so I didnt find out until I got home. When I saw the pictures on the television I felt a great lose for the families and could not belief something like this could happen, it affects everyone. The bottom lines of the article are trying to get people to unite and get everyone to pray for America and for us all. This powerful phrase is supposed to have a lasting affect on the reader and to influence their opinion. The leading article is a story expressing the newspapers point of view they are normally hard hitting, powerful and personnel. Some times they are actually written by the editor and they are much more opinionated than other reports. This type newspaper tries to make up peoples minds for them as it is mainly biased.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Business :: essays research papers
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION      This study will examine the overall affect on society, as well as the historical aspect of the integration of African-Americans, into sports in the United States of America. This study is also designed to discuss and or break down any racial stereotypes involving African-American athletes. Most importantly, this study will also examine the progression that African-Americans have made on the field as athletes and in corporate America as well. The overall affect that integration had on society will be discussed first. The acceptance and the scrutiny of the African-American athlete will be examined. Secondly, the researcher will discuss some of the many racial stereotypes that African-American athletes have to live up to or even hold their heads in shame because of. The third and final area of research is to discuss the progression that African-Americans have made in the world of sports during the years after integration.      The majority of the literature for this study was obtained from various websites and written material discussing the aforementioned topics. This study will not be the first of kind, however the information that was discovered is different than previous studies that have been done on this topic. Since the birth of the United States, this society has been capitalistic in nature. The basis of capitalism is competition. The business that is the best will win or make the most money. This is also the true nature of sports as well. Even though sports took on this mentality, it is still leaps and bounds ahead of society when it comes to equality. After- all Jackie Robison was a Brooklyn Dodger five years prior to the Brown vs. Board of Education case in 1954. In many ways sports in America have become a microcosm of what society should be.      Although Jackie Robinson’s barrier breaking entrance into the Major Leagues was probably the most important event to take place in sport history, it is not the first time African-Americans were involved in sports. Early records have shown that African Americans were involved in these sports whenever given the opportunity to participate. On the other hand, American sports are filled with records of African American athletes capable of participating in the broad sports arena but not given the chance due to their race. Therefore, as sports grew into an American popular pastime, it also grew along on separate fields with race as a dividing line.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Organization within its environment Essay
Organization exist as part of a wider environment Or part of society and as such their influence by the environment in which their operate. It is usual to consider the environment through form of analysis known as pest analysis which has 4 main categories ; political this looks at the government involvement through legislation that they provide outlining the legal frame work within which every business must exist and taxation policy which are dependent on company success and therefore their profit ECONOMIC Factors affecting the financial functioning of the organization and value of money in the economy which will affect the ability to purchase as well as produce goods n services . It looks at the potential growth in a economy and how the value of money changes as well as trade SOCIAL This refers to factors affecting the population and supply of labour by looking at the influences on individuals whether their are employees or customers . It will look at the taste n preferences of plp in society, culture of plp the profile of the workin population nn the number of plp in the job market which influences expectations and behaviour at work TECHNOLOGICAL Factors affecting the processes of production such as changes in computer technology and communication and new manufacturing processes MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Management involves creating and internal environment in a business which makes use of the inputs or factors of production to be transformed tp create outputs of goods and services .it is therefore the responsibility of management to create conditions that allows people to perform to their best ability to be efficient and effective. MANAGEMENT is able to do this through their basic functions of planning organising directing amd controlling the organizations resources in order to achieve the goals of the company MANAGEMENT THEORY Organisations considered to be employee oriented so they are likely to be more productive and as a result become more profitable. Similarly employees who are mistreated are more likely to reject the policies of the organization. Based on this o.b helps to analyze how and why employees behave in a particular way and the schools of management thought provide different theory used for the of management. Each school of thought IS based on different assumptions about people and the organization for which they work and understanding of the developments of management thinking will help to understand the process of management that offer good employee benefits and have proper working conditions.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick Although, arguably the most dangerous computer hacker, Kevin Mitnick has turned his life around for the better. Kevin Mitnick’s early life helped shape his future dealing with computers and led him to a life of crime. The life he was leading was going to have to stop because he started hacking and breaking into computer systems. Finally, the law caught up to him, forcing him to serve many years in jail and never to touch a computer or modem again. His life now is a great one; he started his own computer security business and is on the right side of the law. Kevin Mitnick’s early life was mischievous and full of trouble. His parents were divorced when he was the age of three. He lived with his mom, who worked as a waitress (Macnee 197). Also he lived in San Fernando Valley (L.A), where he had very few friends as a child. Kevin rarely saw his father, and his mother worked long hours and double shifts. That left Kevin with a lonely childhood. During his teenage years he started his life of crime. He began phone phreaking which uses electronics to illegally access phone services. While phreaking phones he became friends with other phone phreakers and often met with these friends at Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in Los Angeles to plot ways to break into local computer and communications systems (Macnee 197). Kevin’s criminal life started when he was in his teen years while attending Monroe High School in North Hills California. He had access to the network where he could change students grades. He also reportedly hacked his way into the North American Air Defense Command computers in Colorado just for fun. When he was seventeen, he was caught stealing valuable technical manuals from Pacific Bell Telephone Company. A judge sentenced him to probation (Macnee 198). In spite of his brush with the law Mitnick returned to hacking. After he was caught breaking into computers at a local university, he was sentenced to si... Free Essays on Kevin Mitnick Free Essays on Kevin Mitnick Kevin Mitnick Although, arguably the most dangerous computer hacker, Kevin Mitnick has turned his life around for the better. Kevin Mitnick’s early life helped shape his future dealing with computers and led him to a life of crime. The life he was leading was going to have to stop because he started hacking and breaking into computer systems. Finally, the law caught up to him, forcing him to serve many years in jail and never to touch a computer or modem again. His life now is a great one; he started his own computer security business and is on the right side of the law. Kevin Mitnick’s early life was mischievous and full of trouble. His parents were divorced when he was the age of three. He lived with his mom, who worked as a waitress (Macnee 197). Also he lived in San Fernando Valley (L.A), where he had very few friends as a child. Kevin rarely saw his father, and his mother worked long hours and double shifts. That left Kevin with a lonely childhood. During his teenage years he started his life of crime. He began phone phreaking which uses electronics to illegally access phone services. While phreaking phones he became friends with other phone phreakers and often met with these friends at Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in Los Angeles to plot ways to break into local computer and communications systems (Macnee 197). Kevin’s criminal life started when he was in his teen years while attending Monroe High School in North Hills California. He had access to the network where he could change students grades. He also reportedly hacked his way into the North American Air Defense Command computers in Colorado just for fun. When he was seventeen, he was caught stealing valuable technical manuals from Pacific Bell Telephone Company. A judge sentenced him to probation (Macnee 198). In spite of his brush with the law Mitnick returned to hacking. After he was caught breaking into computers at a local university, he was sentenced to si...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Bell Curve and Normal Distribution Definition
Bell Curve and Normal Distribution Definition The term bell curve is used to describe the mathematical concept called normal distribution, sometimes referred to as Gaussian distribution. Bell curve refers to the shape that is created when a line is plotted using the data points for an item that meets the criteria of normal distribution. The center contains the greatest number of a value and, therefore, would be the highest point on the arc of the line. This point is referred to the mean, but in simple terms, it is the highest number of occurrences of an element (in statistical terms, the mode). Normal Distribution The important thing to note about a normal distribution is the curve is concentrated in the center and decreases on either side. This is significant in that the data has less of a tendency to produce unusually extreme values, called outliers, as compared to other distributions. Also, the bell curve signifies that the data is symmetrical. This means that you can create reasonable expectations as to the possibility that an outcome will lie within a range to the left or right of the center, once you have measured the amount of deviation contained in the data.This is measured in terms of standard deviations. A bell curve graph depends on two factors: the mean and the standard deviation. The mean identifies the position of the center and the standard deviation determines the height and width of the bell. For example, a large standard deviation creates a bell that is short and wide while a small standard deviation creates a tall and narrow curve. Bell Curve Probability and Standard Deviation To understand the probability factors of a normal distribution, you need to understand the following rules: The total area under the curve is equal to 1 (100 percent)About 68 percent of the area under the curve falls within one standard deviation.About 95 percent of the area under the curve falls within two standard deviations.About 99.7 percent of the area under the curve falls within three standard deviations. Item Nos. 2,3 and 4 are sometimes referred to as the empirical rule or the 68-95-99.7 rule. Once you determine that the data is normally distributed (bell curved) and calculate the mean and standard deviation, you can determine the probability that a single data point will fall within a given range of possibilities. Bell Curve Example A good example of a bell curve or normal distribution is the roll of two dice. The distribution is centered around the number seven and the probability decreases as you move away from the center. Here is the percent chance of the various outcomes when you roll two dice. Two: 2.78 percentThree: percentFour: 8.33 percentFive: 11.11 percentSix: 13.89 percentSeven: 16.67 percentEight: 13.89 percentNine: 11.11 percentTen: 8.33 percentEleven: 5.56 percentTwelve: 2.78 percent Normal distributions have many convenient properties, so in many cases, especially in physics and astronomy, random variations with unknown distributions are often assumed to be normal to allow for probability calculations. Although this can be a dangerous assumption, it is often a good approximation due to a surprising result known as the central limit theorem. This theorem states that the mean of any set of variants with any distribution having a finite mean and variance tends to the normal distribution. Many common attributes such as test scores or height follow roughly normal distributions, with few members at the high and low ends and many in the middle. When You Shouldn't Use the Bell Curve There are some types of data that dont follow a normal distribution pattern. These data sets shouldnt be forced to try to fit a bell curve. A classic example would be student grades, which often have two modes. Other types of data that dont follow the curve include income, population growth, and mechanical failures.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Environmental chemical threat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Environmental chemical threat - Essay Example Environmental chemical threat Methylmercury can be highly toxic to both human and animals. It is concerned hazardous since it can irritate or damage organs if ingested in amounts that can be considered to be dangerous for the human body. The main source of mercury is air emissions from power generation and other industrial and waste disposal activities, during its movement among the atmosphere , land, and water mercury undergoes a serious of complex chemical transformations. Thus methylmercury is an organic form that is derived from this transformation. As a result sea animals are readily in an environment conducive to ingesting or being exposed to methylmercury. It poses a grave environmental threat since it is not considered to be particularly harmful if ingested in low amounts, however several cases have begged to differ with this notion. Regardless of the ingestion amount found in food consumed that has toxic levels of methylmercury, it cannot be sufficiently be ruled out as a threat that without the needed a ttention could cause undue harm. Methylmercury builds up in the tissues of fish, larger and older fish tend to have the highest levels of mercury. One can gain exposure by eating fish or shellfish that has levels of methylmercury. This is important to note since as of the year 2005, the seafood consumption in America was 16.2 lbs. Some natural and synthetic chemicals in the environment can harm the human nervous system such as the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. (Miller 243). Methylmercury is known to have caused adverse effects that later on proved to be permanent and this is within proven actual cases. To protect the population against a threat that can be so silent for a long period of time, yet so deadly is the duty of each and every environmentalist. Mercury emissions continue to rise in the environment and this can only mean that it is a growing real threat that should be dealt with accordingly. Women and children are the most vulnerable to methylmercury effects. A recent study by the National Academy of Science concluded that the population at highest risk is the children of women who consume large amounts of fish and seafood during pregnancy, and that the risk to that population is likely to be sufficient to result in an increase in the number of children who have struggle to keep up in school and who might require remedial classes or special education (EPA).Mackerel, sharks, swordfish, and tilefish have high levels of methylmercury. Thus this is a fact that every pregnant woman should be made aware of by their attending obstetrician. Developmental effects caused due to intake of methylmercury can cause cognitive development problems that would result in inadequate development of a child's brain. Methylmercury and metallic mercury vapors are more harmful than other forms, because mercury in these forms reaches the brain (ATSDR). This undoubtedly puts pregnant women at a higher risk of harming their children, and it is possible that seafood is the reason for the increasing number of children born with cognitive development problems. Exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys and developing fetus (ATSDR). Thus the goal is not only to avoid these adverse effects , but to inform pregnant women of the potential risks involved if they ingest seafood. It is highly unlikely
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Flexibility in Education in order to cut cost in college. E.g allowing Essay
Flexibility in Education in order to cut cost in college. E.g allowing students not to take classes not related to there major and still graduate - Essay Example Community colleges also have a reduced cost of tuition, as they charge a fraction of what regular colleges charge thus the debt incurred by students is low. Another way of reducing the cost of college education is allowing for dual enrollment programs where students do not have to go through all their classes in college. It also reduces the workload on the students by removing unnecessary requirements that only bloat their duties as students. This can be done by colleges cooperating with high schools in order to accumulate credits and higher placement in college. With this option, students will not have to go through the burden of classes as some of the courses will have been covered in high school. Joining college with early credits, cuts costs by an enormous margin and the advanced placement cuts the number of classes that one has to attend (Vedder et al. 8). Furthermore, colleges can offer reduced time to students to complete their degree programs. This is by offering 3-year programs instead of four by streamlining the curriculum significantly (Vedder et al. 26). Reduced amount of time in completing a program can be done by offering online courses, summer sessions and taking increases credit hours per semester. As a result, students will end up saving their finances and time for other productive purposes. This is unlike having a 4-year program in which students pay dearly for each semester, and the cost at the end of the 4 years is enormous. In addition, eradicating unnecessary programs also cuts the cost of college education by removing courses that bloat the curriculum.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assessing General George Thomas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assessing General George Thomas - Essay Example In his early days, George would show his feelings towards the disenfranchised, despite the consequences present at the time. In this case, "George Henry Thomas was born July 31, 1816, at Newsom's Depot, VA. Growing up on a plantation, Thomas was one of many who violated the law and taught his family's slaves to read," ("About.com", p.1). From a personal standpoint, Thomas' desire to help those despite the presence of existing laws against such help at the time, would show a sense of character and consideration for those around him. At a point in time, George would seek to pursue a career in law. Such a career path choice, would last for only a short period of time. It would be at this period in time that George would elect to enroll at West Point. While at the academy, one of his associates would be William T. Sherman, who shared a room with the young Thomas. At this point in time, "Becoming friendly rivals, Thomas soon developed a reputation among the cadets for being deliberate and cool-headed. Graduating 12th in his class, Thomas was commissioned as a second lieutenant and assigned to the artillery," ("About.com", p.1). By having a mentality of sharp thinking and level headedness, it would enable Thomas to effectively execute his responsibilities to the men and his unit and better serve the cause. The com The commanding officer which George would have had during the Second Seminole conflict that took place in Florida, described him in this manner, "I never knew him to be late or in a hurry. All his movements were deliberate, his self-possession was supreme...," ("About.com", p.1). By taking into consideration the appraisal of George Thomas by his commanding officer, it would further outline a man who would possess an attitude towards structure and a conviction for steadfast behavior. General Thomas' career would essentially begin with the Mexican American War. During this conflict, Thomas would be provided with the opportunity to increase his held rank not once, but in fact would do it twice. With regards to the Civil War, George Thomas would see his career begin in one area and then shift to another as time would go on. He would take part in the conflict known as the First Battle of Manassas but in the end, would be transferred to what would be referred to as the western theatre for the remainder of the war. In reference to the time after Thomas would arrive in the western region of the battle front, "Thomas began his time in the Western Theater by commanding an independent force in eastern Kentucky, which defeated Confederate forces at Mill Springs in early 1862," ("George Thomas", p.1). As one of the battles that Thomas would be a part of, this battle would provide to be essential. In these terms, "This battle is seen as one of the first important Union victories in the war," ("George Thomas", p.1). For this battle to have been considered an important aspect of the victories seen by the union movement that would only serve to elevate George Thomas, to an even higher standing within the military hierarchy of status and importance. It would be during the same year as the victory seen at Mill Springs that George Thomas would see another increase in rank. This time, he would in fact become a Major General and would take, "..command of four divisions from Grant's former Army of the Tennessee and one from the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Chemicals in Food Production and Preservation
Chemicals in Food Production and Preservation Contents Introduction..2 Definition2 Situation.3 Problems.4 Solutions.6 Evaluations..7 Conclusions..8 Bibliography.8 Introduction In the past, almost all households bought foods from a farm nearby or grew foods in their garden and ate these foods. They were called locavores, which indicated people who ate only locally grown food. When people had a high standard for living, they had also a high demand about eating what sort of foods such as specialties from another area. Therefore, transportation developed greatly to ship fresh ingredients all over the place and the producer tried to make their food look tastier, bigger fruits. Along to that situation, people produced a number of foods to ship, which caused residual foods. For instance, between the year 1950 and 2000, the population of the world doubled, moreover, meat consumption increased dramatically five times (Bittman, 2008)(1). As a result, they invented fast food, convenience foods, frozen foods, etc. by adding an amount of chemicals substances into foods. This paper will mention about several drawbacks of chemistry in food production and a number of solutions to the problems will be suggested before they are evaluated to choose the optimal one. Definition Chemicals already exist in foods. All foods consist of many type of chemicals which are naturally and include nutrients, for example, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, fibre, etc. that every healthy body definitely needs to absorb regularly. However, chemical substances created for adding into foods are very different from the natural one. According to European Food Safety Authority (2013)(2), â€Å"chemical substances†, are described as â€Å"food additives, flavorings, food packaging materials and containers such as bottles, cups and plates contain chemical substances like plastic, elements of which can migrate into food, chemicals can be used to fight diseases in farm animals or crops such as pesticides†. Each type has its own purpose in food production and preservation. Food standards agency (2012)(3) stated that â€Å"additives may be antioxidants (used in food prepared with fats or oils to protect them against deterioration caused by rancidity), preserv atives (used to keep food safe for longer), flavor enhancers (used to bring out the flavor of food without adding a flavor of their own), etc.†These chemicals used often in fast food, canned foods or junk foods with a fixed amount and must be first censored to ensure the safety for consumers. Situation When citizens in Viet Nam are getting busier than in times past, some of them choose to go to any grocery or fast-food restaurant, etc. to have immediately a quick meal just because of the convenience despite the fact that these foods do not include as much nutrients as fresh foods or home cook foods. This phenomenon means people absorb at least a fixed amount of chemicals into their bodies regularly day by day. Datamonitor (n.d.) (4), an international company providing market intelligence, claimed that the consumption of canned foods went up by 12, 9% for the year 2004 to the year 2009 in one-yearly interval. In a survey, Euromonitor International (2014)(5) claimed that the number of fast-food restaurants enjoyed the upward trend of approximately 16% each year such as KFC, Lotteria, Burger King, Subway, Jollibee, McDonalds†¦ According to that research, Lotteria came up with just over 160 restaurants and then KFC from United States was the most second popular with 140 restaurant s. Although Burger King just came into sight in the end of the year 2012, this brand at the present, own 20 restaurants at three cities namely Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang and Ha Noi (Euromonitor International, 2014)(5). However, most ingredients of these foods always imported to keep the same flavor as other restaurants from other countries. Therefore, food becomes big money, attracting more and more commercial interest from inside and outside the country and leads informally to a fierce competition between food business premises of Vietnam brand and foreign brand. Problems The issue of the usage chemicals in foods has led to several serious problems in Vietnam. Eating regularly fast foods, junk foods or convenience foods, etc. which are already throughout an assessment to ensure the safety for consumer still seriously damage people’s health. For instance, low nutritional value, the high fat, calorie and sodium content of these foods can lead to a variety of health problems such as weight gain, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and all-causes mortality (Lee Media, n.d.)(6) Nevertheless, this is not the only trouble that inhabitants in Vietnam have to face and mostly concern about. One of the major drawbacks of using chemical on foods is the phenomenon of using overbold or unknown chemicals into foods which can be harmful the consumers. Any chemical can be toxic if people eat, drink, or absorb too much of it. Even water are able to cause the death if people drinking too much and too quickly. Paracelsus (1500) (7) wrote that â€Å"all substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.†Firstly, most of food business premises in Vietnam are small-scale such as family business, normally, they have to fight over budgets and compete with other opponents in the market. Moreover, these businesses are spontaneous, many of them attach merely important to the turnover and do not have the knowledge about food business. It can be clearly seen from the pie chart that most of objects involved were just complete the education program at secondary school and the proportion in which account for just over a half of the total, 51,2% (Huong, n.d.). (8) Secondly, people are able to find easily several types of chemical substances to use in foods, which not mention yet that these chemicals permitted or not. Even the consumers want to have a healthy dish, they still have to struggle on the market to determine which fruits, meats or vegetables, etc. are safe, not spoiled foods and had been throughout a chemical treat. Indeed, in Q1/2012, Branch Management city market in collaboration with the Department of Health and Peoples Committees of districts strengthen the inspection and control of the sale and usage of chemicals, flavoring malicious. They found out a number of chemical substances in Kim Bien market are traded illegal such as borax, formalin, Rhodamine B, etc. as well as spices and unlabeled food additives. More specific, 49 cases of illegal chemicals business, volume 450 tons, including 2.8 tons of counterfeit and smuggled 28 tons (Anon., 2012) (9). To illustrate these types of chemicals, for instance, Rhodamine B is a chemical used to dye clothes, prohibited in food and medicine. Dr. Huong (2014)(10), chairman of medicine Vietnam confirmed: â€Å"If people eat melon seeds dye Rhodamine for longtime will cause liver failure, kidney disease and cancer†Because even if people wear clothes that are still residual dyes can lead to skin cancer for the wearer. Therefore, the dye Rhodamine B deliberate on melon seeds or any other food is not acceptable (Huong, 2014)(10). In the same list with Rhodamine B, formaldehyde used illegal into noodles, vermicelli by some business premises. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2012)(11) has identified formaldehyde is unsafe if putting into foods, sauces and beverages because this industrial chemical contains a lot of other toxic such as arsenic, lead and can accumulate in the liver, harmful the brain. As a result, Bureau of Food Safety (2011)(12) stated that Vietnam is a country has the high proportion about food poisoning in which food poisoning due to chemicals represent 25% of the survey. Solution The problem about safety and hygiene has a great deal impact on many fields such as economy, social life and tourism also. Eating healthy dish every day is able to improve people’s health, enhance labor and contribute the development of the country. Therefore, having several solutions to tackle these troubles above is requisite. By approaching every single problem, the first two solutions in the list is aim to the sellers who attach specially on the incomes by imposing the high taxes with the clients who purchase industrial chemicals but do not demonstrate clearly the purpose. Moreover, Government can also help the situation by raising the fines with the objects violate the law then banning the right of them in food business. If violation the law signifies losing more money than not, these obstacles probably, disappear day by day. In addition, a phenomenon such as smuggling in Vietnam needs to be stop by strictly control the sale of chemical items used in foods and the importation of foods into this country. On the other hand, another measure is carrying out mass media information and education to improve the way the food producers are thinking. For instance, opening free classes and guiding the food producers, the sellers and the farmers, etc. how to achieve success in food business, so they are able to harvest fruits but do not poison the consumers at the same time. Evaluation So are any in these solutions effective? For the first three solutions mentioned above, one of the major obstacles is the corruption phenomenon. It means that people give money to whose control them and let they do whatever they want, violate the law to get more money. In addition, for the third measure, the situation of a huge number of business premises become harder to control strictly the violations though these three methods is not costly and seems easy to apply. However, for the last solutions, educate to impact on what they are thinking and toward to another way to success in food business. Although this methods is expensive and require an amount of time but the result is quite impressive. For instance, a survey was be made after a several interventions in Quang Binh province in 2012 (Huong, n.d.). (8) Looking at an overall perspective, there was a great deal in the change in knowledge, attitude and application into food business. More specifically, the number of each sector rose by approximately 40%. As the benefits of this strategy are far outweighed by the drawbacks and stands out from others. So, personally, I believe that the reasonable suggest should be carrying out mass media information and education. Conclusion In a word, artificial chemicals first appeared for the good purposes and already take place an important role in life and in many fields such as food productions and food preservatives. However, abusing to much or even using unknown chemicals engenders a number of reverse effects on people’s health. For who works in the food business, as individuals and as a society, having a good vision at every single action is a necessary thing because there is none of a solution to eradicate such problems if people are unconscious. Bibliography (1)Bittman, M., 2008. Whats weong with what we eat. [Online] Available at: http://www.ted.com/talks/mark_bittman_on_what_s_wrong_with_what_we_eat/transcript [Accessed 2 December 2014]. (2)European Food Safety Authority , 2013. efsa. [Online] Available at: http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/faqs/faqchemicalsinfood.htm [Accessed 31 October 2014]. (3)Food standars agency, 2012. Chemicals in food: safety controls. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/chemicals-in-food-safety-controls [Accessed 31 November 2014]. (4)Datamonitor, n.d. Thuc pham dong hop dung truoc co hoi lon. [Online] Available at: http://trungtamnghiencuuthucpham.vn/thuc-pham-dong-hop-dung-truoc-co-hoi-lon/ [Accessed 1 November 2014]. (5)Euromonitor International, 2014. Thi truong thuc an nhanh Viet Nam: The gioi tran vao, doanh nghiep noi lai tho o. [Online] Available at: http://www.tapchitaichinh.vn/Thi-truong-Gia-ca/Thi-truong-thuc-an-nhanh-Viet-Nam-The-gioi-tran-vao-doanh-nghiep-noi-lai-tho-o/52173.tctc [Accessed 2 November 2014]. (6)Lee, M. Media, D., n.d. Statistics of health risks from eating fast food. [Online] Available at: http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/statistics-health-risks-eating-fast-food-3290.html [Accessed 20 November 2014]. (7)Paracelsus, 2012. All in the dose. [Online] Available at: http://sciencelearn.org.nz/Contexts/Toxins/Science-Ideas-and-Concepts/All-in-the-dose [Accessed 12 November 2014]. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Hamlet :: essays research papers
There are many interpretations to why Hamlet was hesitant in fulfilling his duty to avenge his father’s death. “We find it hard, with Shakespeare’s help, to understand Hamlet: even Shakespeare, perhaps, found it hard to understand him: Hamlet himself finds it impossible to understand himself. Better able than other men to read the hearts and motives of others, he is yet quite unable to read his own.';1 “What hinders Hamlet in his revenge is for him himself a problem and therefore it must remain a problem for us all.';2 Each observer of Hamlet forms their own opinions as what was they believe to be the Hamlet problem. The theory containing the most supportive facts leads to Hamlet being a procrastinator. Â Â Â Â Â William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, is a tragedy. A tragedy is a drama characterized by the downfall of the main character, usually a noble person, due to a fatal personality flaw. In Hamlet, Young Prince Hamlet is this such noble man, his fatal flaw being procrastination. Â Â Â Â Â One may ask why did it take Hamlet so long to kill his incestuous uncle, whom he regarded with the utmost repugnance. This has become a very controversial issue. Many critics and readers have different opinions as to why they believe Hamlet delayed the slaying of Claudius. Some believe it is due to Hamlet’s insanity. Others say he was in love with his mother, or that he secretly had sensual 2 feelings toward his uncle. Some think Hamlet was just simply a coward, and the list goes on. But the most probable reason for Hamlet’s hesitancy is that he was merely a procrastinator. There are many supportive facts to prove this point throughout the play. Â Â Â Â Â A perfect example of procrastination is when one has a job to do which this person despises. For example, cleaning a filthy room. In this case, a procrastinator will find any possible excuse to get out of doing his/her task. Such as: calling an old friend who one may have lost touch with, grabbing a quick bite to eat and somehow it turns into a three hour ordeal, taking one last flip through the channels and it just so happens that one finds his/her favorite movie just started, and so on. So of course these five, maybe ten minute minor setbacks turn into hours. These long delays enable one to even forget the task at hand. And the next thing that winds up happening is this person will put the room off for another day or two. Hamlet :: essays research papers There are many interpretations to why Hamlet was hesitant in fulfilling his duty to avenge his father’s death. “We find it hard, with Shakespeare’s help, to understand Hamlet: even Shakespeare, perhaps, found it hard to understand him: Hamlet himself finds it impossible to understand himself. Better able than other men to read the hearts and motives of others, he is yet quite unable to read his own.';1 “What hinders Hamlet in his revenge is for him himself a problem and therefore it must remain a problem for us all.';2 Each observer of Hamlet forms their own opinions as what was they believe to be the Hamlet problem. The theory containing the most supportive facts leads to Hamlet being a procrastinator. Â Â Â Â Â William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, is a tragedy. A tragedy is a drama characterized by the downfall of the main character, usually a noble person, due to a fatal personality flaw. In Hamlet, Young Prince Hamlet is this such noble man, his fatal flaw being procrastination. Â Â Â Â Â One may ask why did it take Hamlet so long to kill his incestuous uncle, whom he regarded with the utmost repugnance. This has become a very controversial issue. Many critics and readers have different opinions as to why they believe Hamlet delayed the slaying of Claudius. Some believe it is due to Hamlet’s insanity. Others say he was in love with his mother, or that he secretly had sensual 2 feelings toward his uncle. Some think Hamlet was just simply a coward, and the list goes on. But the most probable reason for Hamlet’s hesitancy is that he was merely a procrastinator. There are many supportive facts to prove this point throughout the play. Â Â Â Â Â A perfect example of procrastination is when one has a job to do which this person despises. For example, cleaning a filthy room. In this case, a procrastinator will find any possible excuse to get out of doing his/her task. Such as: calling an old friend who one may have lost touch with, grabbing a quick bite to eat and somehow it turns into a three hour ordeal, taking one last flip through the channels and it just so happens that one finds his/her favorite movie just started, and so on. So of course these five, maybe ten minute minor setbacks turn into hours. These long delays enable one to even forget the task at hand. And the next thing that winds up happening is this person will put the room off for another day or two.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Media and Body Image
â€Å"Media and Body Image†The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an organization led by Ingrid Newkirk, fghts for the rights of animals all over the world. According to PETA (n. d. ), its main goal is to give â€Å"attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry'. However in the year 2009, the animal rights organization produced a billboard campaign that went beyond its mission statement. It can be said that PETA's billboard campaign is npleasant to most people.It is evident in the campaign that it depicted an oversized woman wearing a swimsuit, with the caption: â€Å"Save the Whales; Lose the Blubber: Go Vegetarian†. Literally thinking, there is no connection between saving whales, and going vegetarian to lose weight. Clearly, PETA through the campaign is attempting to draw the co nnection between the ad's target market and the whales that need to be saved. Is there certainty that PETA intended to create an offensive billboard campaign for people who are overweight? According to PETA's writer, Liz Graffeo 2009), she and her team specifically launched the advertisement for the residents of Jacksonville.She added that the reason why PETA launched the advertisement is to help people of Jacksonville, â€Å"lose the blubber†, by becoming vegetarians. The real reason why PETA launched an advertisement is to persuade people to live a healthy lifestyle and not to promote whales' wellbeing. In my opinion, as an animal rights organization, PETA does not have the right to compare fat people to whales. PETA has to realize that those people who showcase their bodies in different swimsuits are confident enough about their size. The human being should never be depicted as endangered like whales.To add, the poster is not only disrespectful to the obese but to the huma n race as a whole. If PETA wants to create an advertisement beyond its mission statement, it should be sensitive enough to the target audience of its campaign. Reference List PETA (n. d). Our Mission Statement. Retrieved from http://www. peta. org/about/ default. aspx Liz Graffeo. (2009, Aug 8). Lose the blubber: Go Vegetarian [Article]. Retrieved from http://www. peta. org/b/thepetafiles/archive/2009/08/17/10se-the- blubber-go-vegetarian. aspx Media and Body Image By vmsl
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Academic performance and technology Essay
Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer space by means of space technology. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft. While the observation of objects in space, known as astronomy, predates reliable recorded history, it was the development of large and relatively efficient rockets during the early 20th century that allowed physical space exploration to become a reality. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research, uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military and strategic advantages against other countries. Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the Cold War. The early era of space exploration was driven by a â€Å"Space Race†between the Soviet Union and the United States, the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, the USSR’s Sputnik 1, on 4 October 1957, and the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on 20 July 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay The Soviet space program achieved many of the first milestones, including the first living being in orbit in 1957, the first human spaceflight (Yuri Gagarin aboard Vostok 1) in 1961, the first spacewalk (by Aleksei Leonov) on 18 March 1965, the first automatic landing on another celestial body in 1966, and the launch of the first space station (Salyut 1) in 1971. After the first 20 years of exploration, focus shifted from one-off flights to renewable hardware, such as the Space Shuttle program, and from competition to cooperation as with the International Space Station (ISS). With the substantial completion of the ISS following STS-133 in March 2011, plans for space exploration by the USA remain in flux. Constellation, a Bush Administration program for a return to the Moon by 2020 was judged inadequately funded and unrealistic by an expert review panel reporting in 2009. The Obama Administration proposed a revision of Constellation in 2010 to focus on the development of the capability for crewed missions beyond low earth orbit (LEO), envisioning extending the operation of the ISS beyond 2020, transferring the development of launch vehicles for human crews from NASA to the private sector, and developing technology to enable missions to beyond LEO, such as Earth/Moon L1, the Moon, Earth/Sun L2, near-earth asteroids, and Phobos or Mars orbit.[5] As of March 2011, the US Senate and House of Representatives are still working towards a compromise NASA funding bill, which will probably terminate Constellation and fund development of a heavy lift launch vehicle (HLLV).[6] In the 2000s, the People’s Republic of China initiated a successful manned spaceflight program, while the European Union, Japan, and India have also planned future manned space missions. China, Russia, Japan, and India have advocated manned missions to the Moon during the 21st century, while the European Union has advocated manned missions to both the Moon and Mars during the 21st century. From the 1990s onwards, private interests began promoting space tourism and then private space exploration of the Moon (see Google Lunar X Prize). Benefits of this to Mankind There are critics who disagree with the expenditure on space exploration, which they claim can better be used to solve earthly problems. However, they seem to forget that this is one of the fields which tests a man’s intellect. But, how does a common man draw benefits of space exploration? The advances made in field of space exploration can be well used in other fields such as medicine, agriculture, etc. The following is the list of benefits of space exploration to mankind: Global Positioning System: The mankind depends on the sea trade for transportation of food grains, fossil fuels, metal ores, etc. Global navigation system, GPS helps in timely delivery of these essential goods by providing the ships with essential navigation information. The GNS services are made available using networks of satellites which also enables satellite Internet and satellite phones. Weather Forecast and Agriculture: Gone are the days, when we used to take an umbrella with us while going out if there were black clouds in the sky. Now we can rely on the weather reports updated on an hourly basis. The accurate weather forecast is possible only because of the satellites in the space. The satellites also help us in predicting the crop yields, pest infestation and the area under cultivation. Natural Calamities: It is easy to predict natural calamities such as floods, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and to locate wildfires and their extent with the help of satellites. Minerals and Mining: Minerals buried deep under the Earth’s surface can be located using satellites. Precious fossil fuels can be found with the help of satellites. Electronics: The field of electronics and computers have also benefited from the space exploration. The astronauts have manufactured miniature electronic parts that could only be produced in the space during their experiments in the space stations and space shuttles. Asteroids: It is believed that an asteroid strike eliminated the dinosaurs on the Earth. One of the benefits of space exploration is that we know about the thousands of asteroids and we can also be vigilant about their â€Å"drifts†. May be we could prevent ‘dinosaurian death of mankind’, if and when an asteroid is positioned to repeat history. If it happens, it would be because of the knowledge which is the direct benefit of space exploration. Energy Source: The scientists and researchers all over the world are attempting to harness the power of nuclear fusion. The process which enables the Sun to produce energy in abundance. It is believed that quantity of electricity generated using 1kg of hydrogen would be equivalent to that of 11,000 metric tons of coal. Medicine: Another field to glean the benefits of the satellite exploration is that of medicine. Metal alloys that are manufactured to be used in spacecraft and space shuttles are also used in the health care industry. Nitinol, an alloy is used to make braces. The miniature electronic components which were developed for the space program can be used in electronic pain-control device that some patients need to use. The implantable insulin pump is based on the mechanical robot arm developed for the Mars Voyager probe. The space exploration benefits also encompasses the field of communication which needs no explanation. The applications of knowledge and the technologies, that are the outcome of the man’s efforts to explore space, are making his life easier indeed! Academic performance and technology Essay Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer space by means of space technology. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft. While the observation of objects in space, known as astronomy, predates reliable recorded history, it was the development of large and relatively efficient rockets during the early 20th century that allowed physical space exploration to become a reality. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research, uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military and strategic advantages against other countries. Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the Cold War. The early era of space exploration was driven by a â€Å"Space Race†between the Soviet Union and the United States, the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, the USSR’s Sputnik 1, on 4 October 1957, and the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on 20 July 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period. See more: The Issues Concerning Identity Theft Essay The Soviet space program achieved many of the first milestones, including the first living being in orbit in 1957, the first human spaceflight (Yuri Gagarin aboard Vostok 1) in 1961, the first spacewalk (by Aleksei Leonov) on 18 March 1965, the first automatic landing on another celestial body in 1966, and the launch of the first space station (Salyut 1) in 1971. After the first 20 years of exploration, focus shifted from one-off flights to renewable hardware, such as the Space Shuttle program, and from competition to cooperation as with the International Space Station (ISS). With the substantial completion of the ISS following STS-133 in March 2011, plans for space exploration by the USA remain in flux. Constellation, a Bush Administration program for a return to the Moon by 2020 was judged inadequately funded and unrealistic by an expert review panel reporting in 2009. The Obama Administration proposed a revision of Constellation in 2010 to focus on the development of the capability for crewed missions beyond low earth orbit (LEO), envisioning extending the operation of the ISS beyond 2020, transferring the development of launch vehicles for human crews from NASA to the private sector, and developing technology to enable missions to beyond LEO, such as Earth/Moon L1, the Moon, Earth/Sun L2, near-earth asteroids, and Phobos or Mars orbit. [5] As of March 2011, the US Senate and House of Representatives are still working towards a compromise NASA funding bill, which will probably terminate Constellation and fund development of a heavy lift launch vehicle (HLLV).[6] In the 2000s, the People’s Republic of China initiated a successful manned spaceflight program, while the European Union, Japan, and India have also planned future manned space missions. China, Russia, Japan, and India have advocated manned missions to the Moon during the 21st century, while the European Union has advocated manned missions to both the Moon and Mars during the 21st century. From the 1990s onwards, private interests began promoting space tourism and then private space exploration of the Moon (see Google Lunar X Prize). Benefits of this to Mankind There are critics who disagree with the expenditure on space exploration, which they claim can better be used to solve earthly problems. However, they seem to forget that this is one of the fields which tests a man’s intellect. But, how does a common man draw benefits of space exploration? The advances made in field of space exploration can be well used in other fields such as medicine, agriculture, etc. The following is the list of benefits of space exploration to mankind: Global Positioning System: The mankind depends on the sea trade for transportation of food grains, fossil fuels, metal ores, etc. Global navigation system, GPS helps in timely delivery of these essential goods by providing the ships with essential navigation information. The GNS services are made available using networks of satellites which also enables satellite Internet and satellite phones. Weather Forecast and Agriculture: Gone are the days, when we used to take an umbrella with us while going out if there were black clouds in the sky. Now we can rely on the weather reports updated on an hourly basis. The accurate weather forecast is possible only because of the satellites in the space. The satellites also help us in predicting the crop yields, pest infestation and the area under cultivation. Natural Calamities: It is easy to predict natural calamities such as floods, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and to locate wildfires and their extent with the help of satellites. Minerals and Mining: Minerals buried deep under the Earth’s surface can be located using satellites. Precious fossil fuels can be found with the help of satellites. Electronics: The field of electronics and computers have also benefited from the space exploration. The astronauts have manufactured miniature electronic parts that could only be produced in the space during their experiments in the space stations and space shuttles. Asteroids: It is believed that an asteroid strike eliminated the dinosaurs on the Earth. One of the benefits of space exploration is that we know about the thousands of asteroids and we can also be vigilant about their â€Å"drifts†. May be we could prevent ‘dinosaurian death of mankind’, if and when an asteroid is positioned to repeat history. If it happens, it would be because of the knowledge which is the direct benefit of space exploration. Energy Source: The scientists and researchers all over the world are attempting to harness the power of nuclear fusion. The process which enables the Sun to produce energy in abundance. It is believed that quantity of electricity generated using 1kg of hydrogen would be equivalent to that of 11,000 metric tons of coal. Medicine: Another field to glean the benefits of the satellite exploration is that of medicine. Metal alloys that are manufactured to be used in spacecraft and space shuttles are also used in the health care industry. Nitinol, an alloy is used to make braces. The miniature electronic components which were developed for the space program can be used in electronic pain-control device that some patients need to use. The implantable insulin pump is based on the mechanical robot arm developed for the Mars Voyager probe. The space exploration benefits also encompasses the field of communication which needs no explanation. The applications of knowledge and the technologies, that are the outcome of the man’s efforts to explore space, are making his life easier indeed!
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