Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Minerva Mirabal Essays
Minerva Mirabal Essays Minerva Mirabal Paper Minerva Mirabal Paper In The Time of Minerva Malabar In my tenth grade writing class this year I had the chance to peruse a book that I had never considered perusing. Incredibly, when I began perusing I couldnt stop. The book was named, In The Time of The Butterflies. This book discussed four sisters who were simply attempting to endure. One of the sisters, nonetheless, chose she wouldnt Just endure, she would battle. This young lady was known as Minerva Miramar, the straightforward butterfly. How might you treat your relatives and your dads fancy woman? With scorn and outrage Sibyl, or would you give them love like Minerva Miramar did? It takes a tough individual like Minerva to accomplish something as bewildering as this. A tough individual that Is bound to change the world each life in turn, and she did Just that. Minerva Malabar Is the name of a lady that will in every case live on. She experienced a wide range of difficulties and barriers, yet she persevered constantly. She was one of the individuals , who in any event, during Truffles rule of fear never surrendered trust. All through Minerals time of revolting individuals regularly neglected to take a gander at Minerals life all in all. Minerva Miramar was the little girl of a man named Unripe Miramar. She had three sisters, or so she thought. Part of the way through Minerals short life she got some answers concerning her dads fancy woman and Minerals other four sisters. From the outset sight Minerva was insulted. She didn't believe that anything like this was conceivable. She even went similarly as slamming her vehicle into her dads while he was at his fancy woman house. What she did next was much all the more astounding. Minerva excused her dad. Excusing her dad was Just a tad bit of what we think about Minerva Miramar. Be that as it may, this Is sufficient to tell us what sort of individual she was. Minerva was the kind of individual that thought about others than herself. In any event, when she was In Jail she ensured that all the lady had what they required. Minerva continually put others before herself. When Minerva began to understand the scrape her dad kicked himself in she off to help. On the off chance that Unripe Miramar wasnt ready to bring the young ladies cash or different things Minerva would. When Unripe passed on Minerva chose to enlist her more youthful sisters into school. Minerva needed to make everything feasible for the young ladies that was workable for her. She felt that it was her obligation to ensure that the young ladies grew up right. It is astonishing to feel that even while Minerva was battling Trujillo system she would not abandon her family. She demonstrated this by dealing with her sisters. Not Just the ones that she grew up with, yet additionally the ones she scarcely got some answers concerning. This shows everybody how great of an individual Minerva was all around. She was as delicate as a butterfly and Just as decided. I realize that this article doesn't do Minerva Malabar Justice. I Just expectation that It gets individuals to begin to comprehend. I need this article to be the beginning of people groups comprehension of the Marsupials. When this article is perused I wish that the peruser becomes as captivated in the people groups minds from time to time.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philosophy of Kant free essay sample
A paper which portrays Kants hypothesis of unadulterated and functional thinking. Immanuel Kant had a preeminent enthusiasm for rolling out major political improvements for the better of society. Kants convictions were what was viewed as ethically right today ought not be influenced by the deceptive conduct or decisions of yesterday. This paper examines Kants hypothesis on unadulterated and down to earth thinking, how the individual applying this thought influences the whole human race, and can create the final product of opportunity and satisfaction. For instance, the rascal will persuade numerous older individuals that they will make a significant commitment to sparing the world by permitting him to utilize their financial records to store and take enormous totals of cash. They guarantee they can't utilize further records in their name for protection reasons. The old, needing to carry out something worth being thankful for, gives the individual access to their financial balance. We will compose a custom paper test on Theory of Kant or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The cheat wipes out the old people financial balance, which had their life reserve funds in it, and skips town. Just later, is it found that he utilizes counterfeit characters. Kants moral law says that we should not consider any past encounters when settling on a choice to do what is good. Lying and beguiling somebody is certainly not moral. Would it be deceptive to utilize an older individual who knew about what was happening to get the swindler, without the hoodlum knowing this was an arrangement? On the off chance that the choice to do the arrangement prohibits every single past activity, at that point Kants moral law propose that lying and trickery is dishonest, despite the fact that this technique may forestall numerous other old individuals from turning out to be casualties.
Monday, August 3, 2020
We Have New Guides for the NYU, Columbia, and University of California Essays! - College Essay Advisors Admissions Essay Experts
We Have New Guides for the NYU, Columbia, and University of California Essays! - College Essay Advisors Admissions Essay Experts We Have New Guides for the NYU, Columbia, and University of California Essays! We Have New Guides for the NYU, Columbia, and University of California Essays! Hello essay rockstars! We have published new guides to help you navigate the tricky prompts brought to you by the 2017-18 college application season gremlins. Although some prompts can seem straightforward, its important to always keep your audience (admissions officers!) in mind. The supplemental prompt for NYU fits the model of a standard Why Essay, but it asks you to go one step further. Many students will forget to answer every question they pose, so dont fall prey to that mistake! Columbia University, another school in New York City, has taken a different approach this year. Its all about the lists, which means for this Ivy League, your ideas carry more weight than your writing ability. Visit our Columbia University Supplemental Essay Guide to learn more about how to strategize your responses. Finally, University of California has one application for every school (UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz), so you can close out of the Common Application for now. UC requires four essays, and although the prompts can appear to be quite similar, your answers should vary greatly. See our Guide to the University of California Essay Prompts for more details. Happy writing! P.S. Need help with supplemental essays for different schools? You can head over to our Supplemental Essay Guide to look through all of the schools weve covered! You might just find the inspiration, motivation, and insight you need to write a killer supplemental essay! And as always, we encourage you to contact us for one-on-one help with your essays! About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Want access to successful supplemental essay examples? We've got you need. CHECK IT OUT »
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Survey Of Security On Internet Of Things ( Iot ) Essay
Survey of Security in Internet Of Things(IoT) Jacquelyn Rapose School of Computing Clemson University Clemson, USA jrapose@g.clemson.edu Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that has transformed our daily lives because of its distributed and ubiquitous nature. Security and privacy issues exist with the use of the IoT and must be addressed. In this paper, I discuss some of the security challenges that the IoT architecture has to address. I also compare the challenges that were inherited from the technologies related to the internet and those that appear in IoT from present networks. Keywords IoT, security, solution. I. INTRODUCTION The Internet of Things is an infrastructure that connects physical devices/objects to the internet and not just computer devices, making it possible for a user to have remote access or control over that object. IoT has the following three categories of objects- 1. General objects having communication or processing capabilities embedded in them, for e.g. smartphones. 2. Sensing and actuating objects that collect information about their environment and manipulate it through remote access. 3. Data capturing and Data carrying objects that use technologies like NFC to communicate. [1] The ubiquitous nature of the Internet of Things provides many benefits, however, the security and privacy problems related with it has to be tackled. The distributed nature of technologies that IoT relies on is prone to many security and privacyShow MoreRelatedUnique Security Challenges Of Iot Devices Essay1095 Words  | 5 Pages5. UNIQUE SECURITY CHALLENGES OF IOT DEVICES: IoT devices tend to differ from traditional computers and computing devices in important ways that challenge security: †¢ Many Internet of Things devices, such as sensors and consumer items, are designed to be deployed on a massive scale that is orders of magnitude beyond that of traditional Internet-connected-devices. A number of organizations have developed guides for conducting a risk assessment. As a resultRead MoreSecurity And Privacy Issues Of Iots1652 Words  | 7 PagesSecurity and privacy issues of IoTs: A Survey K. Krishna Pradheer1, L. Raghavendar Raju2 1 BE computer science engineering, 3rd year, Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad, Hyderabad-59. 2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Engg, Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad, Hyderabad-59. Abstract: The presence of smart things around us is growing rapidly. The world as we speak now is filled with crores of smart things, collecting rich amount of data. This paper is a general survey ofRead MoreLack Of Government Support : The Government And Regulatory Bodies Like Fda794 Words  | 4 Pagescommittee for IoT devices for safety and security of the devices people. 4.Safety of patients : Most of the times IoT devices are left un-attended, since they are attached to the real world objects. If used on patients as implantable or wearable, due to purpose and nature of IoT devices, any breaches in security are life threatening and considered very critical . 5.Security and personal privacy : Security vulnerabilities and improvements have not been well researched. The IoT in healthcareRead MoreThe Current State Of Art1733 Words  | 7 Pagesyears, the internet of things (IoT) has drawn a lot of attention from both academia’s and industries. The internet of things is often interchanged with the internet of everything. Presently, several devices can be connected at the same time, it is hoped that in the nearest future, billions of devices can be connected multifariously and will hopefully extend beyond the margins of physical components. This research will present the current state of art in research on the internet of things by reviewingRead MoreIOT : Meeting The Challenges Of The Iot?924 Words  | 4 PagesAlternate Titles Meeting the Challenges of the IoT Through Cybersecurity Automation and Machine Learning The Internet of Things offers many opportunities for businesses to enhance the efficiency of their services and products, find new streams of revenue, slash their operating costs and complete their digital transformation. However, as the number of connected devices increases, unprepared organizations may find themselves overwhelmed by the need to step up their cybersecurity game and become moreRead MoreInternet Of Things On Development Of Telecommunication1519 Words  | 7 PagesInternet of Things in development of telecommunication Abstract- Keywords- Internet of Things(IoT)ï ¼Å'RFIDï ¼Å' I. Introduction In recent years, the Internet of Things(IoT) has become a hot research topic for both academia and industry in the area of communication. The Internet of Things (IoT), which was first introduced by Kevin Ashton in 19999 and was initially linked to the idea of using radio frequency identification (RFID). After that, the term IoT was well know as a new communication system whereRead MoreAbstractâ€â€The Internet Of Things Is The Interconnection1588 Words  | 7 PagesAbstractâ€â€the internet of things is the interconnection of computing devices by means of internet, which has implanted in small gadgets in order to send and receive the data. Nowadays IOT has becoming basic research subject because it arranges distinctive sensors and objects to communicate particularly with each other without human mediation. IOT security is the region where the connected devices and network protected without vulnerability and viruses. In this report, we discuss about IOT devices willRead MoreT oday, Real Life And Online Activities Have Become Indistinguishable1733 Words  | 7 Pagesvolume and acceleration of cyber threats. As the rate of security breaches continues to increase, so does the variety of attacks, and the technologies and processes deployed to prevent them. After a thorough research, I identified several trends in cyber security industry. This paper discusses three cyber security trends in the industry. The trend discussed is Greater need of cyber security professionals. A global study published by Intel Security and the Centre for Strategic and International StudiesRead MoreKey Standards For Building An Internet Of Things Business.1651 Words  | 7 Pagesfor building an Internet of Things business The Internet of Things (IoT) can possibly touch each part of our lives-from our bodies to our groups to our work spots to a completely associated world. It likewise guarantees to enhance our prosperity, raise our personal satisfaction, increment efficiency, and cultivate better participation and coordinated effort. IDC gauges that in 2020, there will be $8.9 trillion in IoT-related incomes. The IoT showcase keeps on being solid, with IoT equipment and networkRead MoreHow Technology Affects The Security Risk Equation Within Many Enterprises1461 Words  | 6 Pagesdisruptive; it is currently called the Internet of Things (IoT) trend. IoT (also referred to as â€Å"Internet of Everything†) devices have embedded network, computing and other information processing capabilities, which allow these devices to be interconnected. The number and types of devices that are being manufactured with these built-in IoT features are increasing rapidly. It is imperative to take notice of the IoT trend because it has a strong potential to redefine the Security risk equation within many enterprises
Monday, May 11, 2020
A Swot Analysis A Pestel Analysis - 1072 Words
A PESTEL analysis is a tool or framework for marketers. It can be used to analyse and screen the external marketing environment of an organisation. This strategic management instrument gauges the macro environmental factors, which make decision taking significantly simpler. ARDEN UNIVERSITY PESTEL ANALYSIS POLITICAL ELEMENT FACTOR EFFECT ON ARDEN UNIVERSITY BREXIT Potential danger of environmental policy and legislation change Changes to taxes An increase in the tax level would most likely reduce funding for the University League tables Reputational harm Changes to government policy This may put the public funding at risk. General public pressures Danger of not meeting the public expectation Terrorism threat The fear of terrorism†¦show more content†¦y being exposed if not environmentally responsible Staff retention A high staff turnaround can negatively affect the University Staff and student engagement and expectations Lack of engagement may reduce effectiveness TECHNOLOGICAL ELEMENT FACTOR EFFECT ON ARDEN UNIVERSITY Existing infrastructure Risk of increased energy consumption for old, inefficient equipment Availability of funding for technologies Reducing the financial incentives for technologies will make it difficult for the University to achieve carbon reduction targets Advances in technology Development in technology has the potential to increase energy usage which brings about more technology for the University Use of new technology Technologies may not be used to their full capacity Costs High technology costs with long payback periods can reduce he uptake of new technologies LEGAL ELEMENT FACTOR EFFECT ON ARDEN UNIVERSITY Cost of compliance An increase in cost of compliance may detract funding from other areas Accountability, Communication, Staff knowledge Lack of knowledge, understanding and accountability of legal requirements for Arden can cause non-compliance BREXIT The UK leaving the EU can lead to changes in environmental legislation and relaxed or increased regulation New legislation This can bring about costs linked with tax, levies and fine; also, there will be prosecution for non-compliance Immigration legislation This will push for the University to be extremely thorough and carefulShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis And Pestel Analysis979 Words  | 4 Pagesnetworking segments: Google plus, Google glass and, Virtual reality platform in the company. In this paper Alphabet is deeply analyzed using the tools like SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis to derive recommendations for the problems that company is facing currently. Meaning of Analysis: Analysis intends to split something up into parts, Analysis pieces, reasons, or steps and take a gander at how those pieces are identified with each other. Examination more often than not runs together with blend sinceRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Pestel Essay1645 Words  | 7 PagesA PESTEL analysis is a technique used to assess the external factors that may impact a firm (Cadle, et al. 2010). Political †¢ Operations in more than 70 countries including 23 refineries worldwide consolidating its presence as a global leader (Shell Global 2016). †¢ Engages in exploration in all continents. †¢ Political turmoil in some of the countries it occupies like Nigeria may influence its operations and sales. Economic †¢ Oil prices have risen and raising issues of supply as well as highRead MoreSwot And Pestel Analysis Of Hulu1550 Words  | 7 PagesSWOT PESTEL SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS TV show abundance Partner with ABC, NBC, FOX ‘Criterion Collection’ – classic movies WEAKNESSES Ads Limited movie selection Limited streaming capabilities OPPORTUNITIES Better TV series content International growth Sports partnerships Mobile device industry THREATS Netflix/Amazon Cable TV Illegal streaming Strengths:  · TV show abundance – moving into their own live TV provider  · Has recently started offering subscription servicesRead MoreAdidas Swot and Pestel Analysis7037 Words  | 29 PagesAlexandria higher Institute of Engineering and Technology Engineering Economy (EM 431) ADIDAS SWOT and PESTEL Analysis Name Ahmed Fawzy El-Safty Esraa Ahmed Tawfeek Submitted by: Section 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 No. 13 21 29 31 38 63 65 74 Aya Abd-El Razak Mohamed Aya Hesham El-Shenaway Basma Medhat Abd El-Zaher Ali Mahmoud Soliman Omar Ali Fahmy Katary Karim Mohamed Abd El-Salam Submitted to: Dr. Islam Nazier Page 1 of 19 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ..............Read MoreSwot and Pestel Analysis for Ikea Singapore3046 Words  | 13 Pages----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - 6 * Introduction of Company SWOT ANALYSIS of IKEA ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 - 8 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (GENERAL ENVIRONMENT - PESTEL) ----------------- 9 - 10 * Explanation of General Environment * Political Forces * Economic Conditions * Socio-cultural Conditions * Technological Changes * Environment Factors * Legal Factors EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT) ------------------------- 11 - 13 * Intensity ofRead MoreSwot and Pestel Analysis for Ikea Singapore3062 Words  | 13 Pages----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - 6 * Introduction of Company SWOT ANALYSIS of IKEA ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 - 8 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (GENERAL ENVIRONMENT - PESTEL) ----------------- 9 - 10 * Explanation of General Environment * Political Forces * Economic Conditions * Socio-cultural Conditions * Technological Changes * Environment Factors * Legal Factors EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT) ------------------------- 11 - 13 * IntensityRead MoreTesla Analysis(Pestel Tows Swot ...)1522 Words  | 7 PagesPestel : Political and legal: * strong impact of lobby * unions are powerful in US * subsidies to support Ramp;D for alternative cars technologies (ex: governments supports investment in hydrogen powered vehicle research) * US government currently offers economic incentives to encourage electric vehicle ownership * Voluntary export restraints : 1981 Reagan administration to control exportations * Reinforcement of laws concerning safety of customers Economic: *Read MorePestel, Porter s 5 Forces, And Swot Analysis1459 Words  | 6 Pagesthe organisation in the market, a situational analysis is conducted on the firm, describing its market and strategic strongholds, as well as weaknesses. For a clear explanation of the organisation’s situation, the PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces, and SWOT analysis will be conducted. It will provide a better understanding of the state of the firm, with a consideration of internal and external factors. 2.1 Pestle Analysis please see appendix 1 PESTEL analysis focuses on evaluating the external market throughRead MoreWalt Disney: Swot, Pestel and Porter Analysis Essay3375 Words  | 14 PagesSUBJECT: Walt Disney: SWOT, PESTEL and Porter analysis Introduction 2 Pestel analysis 2 Political factors 2 Economic factors 3 Social factors 3 Technological factors 4 Environmental factors 4 Porter’s Five forces model 5 New entrants 5 Buyers 5 Substitutes 6 Suppliers 6 Competitors 6 Swot analysis 7 Strengths 7 Weaknesses 8 Opportunities 9 Improvement of customer relations strategy 9 Advertising Growth 9 Differentiation 9 Read MoreSwot and pestel analysis of tv industry in uk1848 Words  | 8 Pagesanalysis of tv industry in uk The television industry in the U.K has seen a major change in its structure since the merger of Granada and Carlton. The pair have completed an 4.6 billion merger which is an major landmark in the television industry. The merger increases ITV television advertising market hold to 52%. This enlargement of the company has significantly increased ITV impact on the competitive side of the market. Mrs Hewitt regional franchises quoted ITV would be better equipped to compete
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Angels in America †Essay 2 Free Essays
Angels in America is a play written by Tony Kushner that chronicles the disintegrating relationships of two couples. The story is set in America in the 1980s against a background of gluttony, conservatism, politics, and controversial sexuality. It is this backdrop that provides Angels in America with its enormity and sets it apart from other love stories. We will write a custom essay sample on Angels in America – Essay 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this play, the plot is largely driven by its themes, which are viewed from different characters’ perspectives as the story unfolds. Throughout the play, Kushner introduces to readers, many weighty issues. Some of these issues include: homosexuality, religion, stereotypes, race/ethnicity, denial, betrayal, and identity; each character in the play questions and grapples with at least one of these subjects. As a reader, it was particularly interesting to watch the characters struggle with the issue of stereotypes. Living in New York City during the 21st century, the gay community has had and continues to be a prominent part of society. The gay people that I have crossed paths with do not seem to be shy or ashamed of their sexual orientation. They do not hide who they are attracted to and they do not view their orientation as a sign of weakness. Due to my exposure to this, it was baffling to witness Roy’s reaction upon hearing from his doctor that he has contracted AIDS. Roy states, â€Å"Now to someone who does not understand this, homosexual is what I am because I have sex with men. But really this is wrong. Homosexuals are not men who sleep with other men. Homosexuals are men who in fifteen years of trying cannot get a pissant antidiscrimination bill through City Council. Homosexuals are men who know nobody and who nobody know. Who have zero clout. Does this sound like me, Henry? †(Kushner, 51). Although Roy may desire another man, to him desire is irrelevant. Roy only identifies with other powerful people and in his eyes, gays are powerless. Roy believes his money and status protect him from the oppression gay men face. Roy is even convinced that he can use his money to buy immunity from AIDS. Another issue that is raised by Kushner is sanity. In the play there is a character named Harper who is addicted to Valium. Throughout the play, Harper struggles and questions what sanity is. Her vivid imagination causes her to travel between reality and fantasy quite often. At one point, towards the end of Part One, Harper â€Å"travels†to Antarctica in a dream. She believes that she has found her utopia and now she can finally live in peace. Harper’s imaginary friend, Mr. Lies joins her n her journey and explains, â€Å"This is a retreat, a vacuum, its virtue is that it lacks everything; deep-freeze for feelings. You can be numb and safe here, that’s what you came for. Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions†(Kushner, 108). Harper wants to remain in her created delusion forever; her manifested utopia is a result of her inability to face reality. Because Harper is too scared to leave the confines of her home, she has created a world inside her ow n mind so that she can live there and remain in paradise forever. How to cite Angels in America – Essay 2, Essays
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Reaching For Dreams - A Ballet From Rehearsal To Opening Night Essays
Reaching for Dreams - A Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night In watching a professional ballet one doesn't realize how much work is put into making the production come to life. Both the dancers and the choreographers put every ounce of energy and emotion into telling their story. It takes years for a ballerina to train for the labor that goes into becoming professional, however just weeks to learn a full-length ballet. Dancers can sometimes be put through months of sore muscles in order to train. Often ballet dancers are told to loose weight in order to look their part, or are only given a few minutes for break after hours of vigorous training. In the end it is all worth it though. When I checked out Reaching for Dreams: A Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night, by Susan Kuklin out of the library I expected to read another boring drawn out diary. Amazingly this book was difficult for me to put down because I became so enthralled by the process of putting on a ballet. At the beginning of this book the author describes the dancers coming in on a rainy Monday morning to begin warm-ups and rehearsal. This of course is the beginning of their voyage to opening night. The dancers taking part in this production were from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The ballet that they plan to perform in seven weeks is called ?Speeds.? The choreographer of ?Speeds? is a world-renowned woman by the name of Jennifer Mullers. This production contains a cast of eleven dancers and five alternates. ?Speeds? is a modern ballet that explains how one moment in time is like no other, and how often things in the world change. Throughout this book, Kuklin observes the life of a dancer. The typical day of a professional ballerina at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre consists of waking up around seven to be at rehearsal in plenty of time to warm-up. In dance warming up your muscles is the most important device to do before beginning, as it helps you stay clear of any possible injuries. After warming up Jennifer, the choreographer, teaches them the dance and makes sure that every move ?flows? with the body of the person dancing it. She claims that ?the dancers must be comfortable with the shapes that they dance.? After hours of strenuous practice the dancers receive a five-minute break to cool off and grab a bite to eat. Normally the meal the dancers would eat on break would consist of some fruit and maybe a small sandwich. Jennifer would then announce ?Okay breaks over?, and the worn out bodies would slowly, but surely get up and dance their hearts out until about one o'clock when they were allowed to l eave. Often times some of the duets would stay after to rehearse more to make sure that everything was flowing together as if they were one. After seven months of doing this everyday one would think that it would become extremely repetitious, however to the leads, opening night is well worth the wait. Bright red curtains wave as the dancers file in back stage for the first showing of ?Speeds? to start. The dancers are costumed in pure white linen to bring you the feeling of innocence. Everyone is extremely apprehensive about the show as the music begins to play and the curtains begin to be drawn open. Jennifer whispers one last good luck to the group as they begin to perform. The show goes on wonderfully and nothing unexpected happens for the next few showings. The last night of the show comes very quickly to the dancers as if it has all been a dream. The show ends and the dancers come out on stage for their last bow. As they look out into the audience and see the crowd cheering they realize what the seven months of stressful practicing was for. For the chance to get the feeling of a lifetime that you will never forget, and to feel that you have achieved something wonderful.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Fricke Collection Essays - Valerie, Lady Meux, Frick Collection
Fricke Collection Essays - Valerie, Lady Meux, Frick Collection fricke collection The Fricke Collection Lady Meux v. Frances Duncombe Donated by the Fricke family is a collection housed on fifth avenue, ranging from sculptures and paintings, to furniture of renowned artists. Paintings in particular, such as, Whistler's, Lady Meux and Gainsborough's, Frances Duncombe, are classic examples of subtle yet provocative feminist portrayals. The initial impact of these illustrations is a combination of the surface imagery and the abstract artistic message conveying politics, religion or personal bias. Artist's attention to detail on these portrait's surface, captures likeness but focuses setting through richness of color and poise into character personality. When contrasting and comparing two paintings of distinct styles of select eras, conflicting perceptions are created. Whistler's, Lady Meux and Gainsborough's Frances Duncombe both exhibit similar themes however were dissimilar in character composure, panoramic setting, and mood representation. In contrasting the portraits, confrontational and vulnerable personalities are clearly visible. These separate presentations are outlined through Whistler's Lady Meux's determined expression and Gainsborough's Frances Duncombes subtle sidelong distracted look. Lady Meux exhibits simple confidence and independence in her concrete and firm stance, as opposed to Duncombe's fragile and elegant unsteady footing. Gainsborough captures a complacent vulnerability perhaps suggesting innocence. Whistler on the other hand, illustrates a more dramatic impact through the direct gaze of Lady Meux's expressive eyes which both dare and humble the viewer. Both artists, conveniently shape the central figures by positioning them in creative scenery. In each instance, the artist chooses a particular backdrop to heighten or diminish the central figure. The scenery casts certain illusionistic differences that create the sensation of depth and solidarity. Lady Meux commands attention as her profile encourages the viewer to step closer and absorb the scene intimately. This portrait uses opaque colors of greys and pinks to bring out the subject's features, however the scope casts a dreariness about the piece. In Frances Duncombe, Gainsborough is careful in surrounding her in an arboreal landscape, due to the size of the natural scene, the central figure is amplified. The shadows in the piece engulf the regal subject, perhaps alluding to her place in society, as a solitary figure in an ambiguous or precarious state. The obscured details of the trees, sunset, and faded classical architecture seem to melt against Duncombe. The shadowed effect forces the viewer to step back a sufficient distance to view the painting in it'! s entirety. The artist purposely decreases Frances Duncombe's features as if he intended to enhance the details of her ornate costume instead of the subject herself. In addition to the backdrop, the artist draws focus thru light and darkness to impress a mood. Both pieces shroud each figure in obscure shadowy scenes but draw light from the model itself. Whistler, chose colors such as grey, pink, and flat white, that downplays the heightened glow of her outfit. Gainsborough's piece illustrates ashen browns, olives, creams and azure blues in earthy tones to create a sense of mystery. This portrait, unlike Whistler's Lady Meux, uses light tones to capture Frances Duncombe's milky white flesh. This central figure is ghostly in complection as opposed to Whistler's painting. Lady Meux appears healthy in comparison, and shifts the mood by adding a slight pouty expression. In short, these artists transcend our response into intense contrasting manipulations. Each piece shares like and contrasting elements, either in Lady Meux's well endowed form to Duncombes delicate figure or the satin pink tresses to the satin teal folds of Duncombe's costume. Both artists incorporate the abstract as well as shadow and light that either enhances or detracts the femme fatale. On close examination, each work exhibits calculated strokes that deliver a balanced arrangement of color variations. The significance of the subject's status quo, is hinted by each artist, however the possibilities for interpretations are endless, be it the representation of female appreciation or contrasting inferior bias. In all instances, the viewer takes with him a primal effect that will continue to last. Grade Received on Report : B
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Crustacean Facts
Crustacean Facts Crustaceans are some of the most important marine animals. Humans rely heavily on crustaceans for food; and crustaceans are also an important prey source for marine life in the ocean food chain for a variety of animals, including whales, fish, and pinnipeds. More diverse than any group of arthropods, crustaceans are second or third in abundance of all categories of animal life after insects and vertebrates. They live in inland and ocean waters from the Arctic to the Antarctic as well as from elevations in the Himalayas up to 16,000 feet to well below sea level. Fast Facts: Crustaceans Scientific Name: CrustaceaCommon Names: Crabs, lobsters, barnacles, and shrimpBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateSize: From 0.004 inches to over 12 feet (Japanese spider crab)Weight: Up to 44 pounds (American lobster)Lifespan: 1 to 10 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Throughout the oceans, in tropical to frigid waters; in freshwater streams, estuaries and in groundwaterPopulation: UnknownConservation Status: Many crustaceans are extinct, extinct in the wild, or endangered or critical. Most are classified as Least Concern. Description Crustaceans include commonly-known marine life such as crabs, lobsters, barnacles, and shrimp. These animals are in the Phylum Arthropoda (the same phylum as insects) and Subphylum Crustacea. According to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, there are over 52,000 species of crustaceans. The largest crustacean is the Japanese spider crab, at over 12 feet long; the smallest are microscopic in size. All crustaceans have a hard exoskeleton which protects the animal from predators and prevents water loss. However, exoskeletons dont grow as the animal inside them grows, so crustaceans are forced to molt as they grow larger. The molting process takes between a few minutes to several hours. During molting, a soft exoskeleton forms underneath the old one and the old exoskeleton is shed. Since the new exoskeleton is soft, this is a vulnerable time for the crustacean until the new exoskeleton hardens. After molting, crustaceans typically expand their bodies almost immediately, increasing by 40 percent to 80 percent. Many crustaceans, such as the American lobster, have a distinct head, a thorax, and an abdomen. However, these body parts arent distinct in some crustaceans, such as the barnacle. Crustaceans have gills for breathing. Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae. They have mouths made up of one pair of mandibles (which are eating appendages behind the crustaceans antennae) and two pairs of maxillae (the mouth parts located after the mandibles). Most crustaceans are free-ranging, like lobsters and crabs, and some even migrate long distances. But some, like barnacles, are sessile- they live attached to a hard substrate most of their lives. Rowan Coe/Getty Images Species Crustaceans are a subphylum of the Arthropoda phylum in the Animalia. According to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), there are seven classes of crustaceans: Branchiopoda (branchiopods)Cephalocarida (horseshoe shrimp)Malacostraca (decapods- crabs, lobsters, and shrimps)Maxillopoda (copepods and barnacles)Ostracoda (seed shrimp)Remipedia (remipedes)Pentastomida (tongue worms) Habitat and Range If youre looking for crustaceans to eat, look no further than your local grocery store or fish market. But seeing them in the wild is almost as easy. If youd like to see a wild marine crustacean, visit your local beach or tide pool and look carefully under rocks or seaweed, where you might find a crab or even a small lobster hiding. You might also find some small shrimp paddling around. Crustaceans live in freshwater plankton and benthic (bottom-dwelling) habitats, and can also be found residing in groundwater near rivers and in caves. In temperate locations, small streams support some crayfish and shrimp species. Species richness in inland waters is highest in fresh water, but there are species that live in salt and hypersaline environments.  To protect themselves from predators, some crustaceans are night hunters; others stay in protected shallow slack-water locations. Rare and geographically isolated species are found in karst caverns which get little if any light from the surface. As a result some of those species are blind and unpigmented. Diet and Behavior Within the literally thousands of species, there is a wide variety of feeding techniques among crustaceans. Crustaceans are omnivores, although some species eat algae and others like crabs and lobsters are predators and scavengers of other animals, feeding on those that are already dead. Some, like barnacles, remain in place and filter plankton from the water. Some crustaceans eat their own species, newly molted individuals, and young or injured members. Some even change their diets as they mature. Reproduction and Offspring Crustaceans are primarily dioecious- made up of male and female sexes- and therefore reproduce sexually. However, there are sporadic species among the ostracods and brachiopods that reproduce by gonochorism, a process by which each individual animal has one of two sexes; or by hermaphroditism, in which each animal has complete sex organs for both male and female sexes; or by parthenogenesis, in which the offspring develop from unfertilized eggs. In general, crustaceans are polyandrous- mating more than once in the same breeding season- and are fertilized within the female. Some may begin the gestation process immediately. Other crustaceans such as crayfish store the spermatozoa for many months before the eggs are fertilized and allowed to develop. Depending on the species, crustaceans disperse eggs directly into the water column, or they carry the eggs in a pouch. Some carry the eggs in a long string and attach the strings to rocks and other objects where they grow and develop. Crustacean larvae also vary in shape and development process by species, some going through multiple changes before reaching adulthood. Copepod larvae are known as nauplii, and they swim using their antennae. Crab crab larvae are zoea which swim using thoracic appendages. Conservation Status Many crustaceans are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List as vulnerable, endangered or extinct in the wild. Most are classified as Least Concern. Sources ï » ¿Coulombe, Deborah A. The Seaside Naturalist. New York: Simon Schuster, 1984.Martinez, Andrew J. 2003. Marine Life of the North Atlantic. Aqua Quest Publications, Inc.: New YorkMyers, P. 2001. Crustacea (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Thorp, James H., D. Christopher Rogers, and Alan P. Covich. Chapter 27 - Introduction to â€Å"Crustacea. Thorp and Covichs Freshwater Invertebrates (Fourth Edition). Eds. Thorp, James H. and D. Christopher Rogers. Boston: Academic Press, 2015. 671–86.WoRMS. 2011. Crustacea. World Register of Marine Species.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Ethics in communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics in communication - Essay Example The word ethics are described as fundamental will to do and or once self properly in the society. Ethics is a Greek word that means to appeal. It shows concern for honorable people with dependable personality and appropriate behavior. It plays a major role in deciding what is good and what is bad (Ward). In journalism, many ethical issues need to be followed when reporting or publishing any information. This is because any information disseminated by journalists is taken with the seriousness and weight they come with. The ramifications of this information can be dire. Journalists are guided on how to carry out themselves by a code of ethics. One of the most important ethical issues is a journalist shall desist from any information or action that may harm the reputation of the journalist or to his organization. Journalists deal a lot with information and there is need to verify information before airing or publishing it. In addition, they are supposed to carry out themselves with good conduct and in a manner to portray their professionalism. A journalist should not accept bribes or gifts to give any favors. In addition, he should not threaten anyone with the publication of damaging materials. Journalists have access to a lot of information and at times, they are bribed or they are tempted to threaten individuals with this information. Doing this will be going against code of ethics. It will undermine the quality of publications and the vows that a journalist is sworn under (journalism ethics). Ethical issues in advertising (sexism and children) Advertising is the driving force behind many businesses. They help consumers know what products are in the market. The objective of an advertisement is to wow the customer and convince the customer to buy the product. For many years, advertisements have been criticized for the way they portray the message. These critics have been because of the advertisements flaunting ethical issues. Advertising is also guided by ethics that allow fair play and creation of good advertisements (Singh, Vij). The two issues that this advertisement faults are sexism and children. Sexism is used in advertising as an attraction tool in many advertisements. This is because the female figure attracts attention (Kuluttaja). Sexism is used in advertising in many ways. One way of using sexism is showing a half naked body in an advertisement, also two people having intimate moments in an advertisemen
Monday, February 3, 2020
Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management Theory - Essay Example Many theories are formulated for different schools of thoughts with the help of fathers of Management. There are different management theories main are Scientific management theory, it clearly focus on the maximizing the efficiency by matching the job description with people; other is administrative management with clearly enlighten the creation of efficient systems in management and in organization. Then comes the behavioral management theories, these are developed both pre and post Second World War, this theory focus on the phenomenon of controlling the work force and leading them in a way to increase the performance. Lastly the management science theory that was born during Second World War and gained popularity in researchers, this theory focus on the measuring and controlling of organizations performance through quantitative and analytical techniques done by managers. To deal with formal organization and the concepts for enhancing the management efficiency Classical organization theories were born by Taylor formed scientific management concepts in 1947, Weber introduced the bureaucratic approach in 1947 and Fayol presented the administrative theory of the organization in 1949. These three management fathers have contributed a lot in the developing on classical theories. Adam smith was the founder of management theories, he observed two factories making pin wheel. In one factory a worker had to perform 18 tasks on his own to make a pin wheel and could make few thousands of pin wheel by the end of the day, where as in other factory 10 workers has expertise on one task and were able to manufacture 48,000 pin wheel per day. This gave birth to the idea of Job Specialization, it means that if workers are skilled in one tasks then and will do it repeatedly, they will have safe hands and will have faster rate of production with same quality. It will increase the efficiency and will lead to great organizational performance. Era of modern management was begun with t he theories of Fredric Taylor, when he noticed the national loss of men and started condemning the â€Å"awkward, inefficient, or ill-directed movements of men". This started in late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He transformed the old management system into new scientific management. Taylor actually wanted to increase the productivity of the organization through mutual understanding of trust between the managers, management and workers. Taylor suggested few techniques to improve the productivity and increasing the trust level. He suggested that 1) The rewards should be given to workers for high productivity. 2) Focus on the elimination of anxiety and stress from the work place. 3) Proper training and guidance should be provided to develop the capabilities in workers, 4) Eliminating the typical concept of â€Å"boss†, will increase the efficient and effectiveness at work? Further, Taylor also developed four principles for improving the productivity in scientific ma nagement theory that are 1) rule of thumb 2) scientific selection of the workers 3) Labor and management’s co-operation rather than the conflicts 4) Training and development of workers scientifically. However Taylor focused on breaking of a job into its parts, timeline for each part should be configured, and then reengineering the parts in a way that it minimizes the time and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Rise of the Asian Tigers in the 1980s: Causes and Effects
Rise of the Asian Tigers in the 1980s: Causes and Effects Examine the rise of the so-called Asian Tigers in the 1980s and its importance for regional economic development. Focus on one or two countries. The following will thoroughly examine the rise of the so-called Asian Tigers in the 1980s, and its importance for the advancing of regional economic development within the Southeast region of Asia. The countries included within the term Asian Tiger had generally been poor and economically underdeveloped at the start of the immediate post-war period. The majority of the countries that would go on to form the so-called Asian Tigers were colonies, or had recently been colonies which had been ruled by Western powers such as Britain, or in the case of South Korea, by Japan. The so-called Asian Tigers were countries that by and large had substantial natural resources, were strategically well-placed, as well as having the potential of becoming wealthier, and eventually offering their populations higher standards of living. Although the governments of the nation states that make up the so-called Asian Tigers had originally acted independently of each other, the economic policies they pursued led to strong, even dynamic economic growth. Besides improving the economic position of each of the so-called Asian Tigers, their economic polices also arguably, had a high level of importance for regional economic development within the Southeast region taken as a whole. Although the countries that became the so-called Asian Tigers held various factors or policies in common with each other, this following examination will concentrate upon South Korea and Taiwan as the main examples to be evaluated, as well as analysed. In many respects the blueprint for the economic development of the countries that became the so-called Asian Tigers was provided by Japan, which had become one of the most prosperous and dynamic economies in the world by the 1970s. The term Asian Tigers itself was originally made up as a means to describe the high economic growth rates and increased degrees of economic development of countries within the Southeast and East Asia regions. When the term Asian Tigers came into widespread use it usually referred to Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, alongside the two countries featured in this examination in more detail, South Korea, and Taiwan. Japanese development was faster than that of the other four original Asian Tigers. Britain influenced the economic policies of Hong Kong, as it remained a British colony until reverting back to Chinese control in 1997. Some studies of the Asian Tigers have also included Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and although still officially a communist state, the Peoples’ Republic of China (Evans Newnham, 1998 p. 36). There are sound reasons as to why the governments of the countries within the Southeast and the Eastern regions of Asia decided to attempt to accelerate the rates of economic growth, as well as the depth of development within their domestic economies. Some of the reasons for striving to achieve sustainable high levels of economic growth and development, social and political motivations were also influential, even if not as paramount as economic factors. The objectives of the governments of the countries that became the so-called Asian Tigers were to modernise their national economies (Brown with Ainley, 2005 p. 157). The intention was to transform their national economies from being underdeveloped, to newly industrialised countries and eventually to become developed countries. Japan was probably the best role model for the governments of South Korea and Taiwan to copy or emulate (Bannock, Baxter and Davis, p.278). Japan had been economically, as well as physically devastated as a con sequence of the Second World War, yet its post-war economic development was a remarkable example to attempt to copy (Hobsbawm, 1994, p.279). Japan, just like the countries of Western Europe had been helped to recover and develop economically courtesy of substantial funding from the United States. The Americans had been content to aid other countries to prevent the spread of Communism (Evans Newnham, 1998, p.316). Aside from aid from foreign governments and money from private foreign investors, the governments of South Korea and Taiwan could use the Asian Development Bank, besides the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to fund their economic development projects (Bannock, Baxter Davis, 2003, p.10). In some respects the governments of South Korea and Taiwan were able to take advantage of their countries respective geographic and strategic positions when they pursued economic development policies, which led to them being included amongst the so-called Asian Tigers. Perhaps the governments of South Korea and Taiwan would not have received so much foreign investment had it not been for the Civil War. South Korea in particular, was given substantial American assistance after the end of the Korean War which had caused a great deal of damage (Woodruff, 2005, p.255). The government of South Korea instigated successful strategies for economic growth and development in the aftermath of the Korean War ending. The agricultural sector was reformed, whilst the government actively promoted industrialisation, a process aided by high levels of investment, particularly from the United States and Japan (Tipton, 1998, 305). The Americans were keen for South Korea to have a strong economy to bolste r the position of its regime, while Japan was the largest single investor in the country. The reason why industrialisation was successful in South Korea was the high quality of the products made there, as well as the skills of the South Korean workforce. Japanese companies also sited factories in South Korea, due to the skills and the productivity of its workers (Tipton, 1998 p. 426). By the 1980s, South Korea had a strong economy with high growth, high productivity, advanced industries, and skilled workers. The combination of all of these factors meant that the country enjoyed dynamic economic growth, definitely entitling it to be included amongst the so-called Asian Tigers. Strong economic growth and development in South Korea arguably had an impact upon economic development in the Southeast and East Asia regions. The government of South Korea realised that unhindered and unrestricted trade, as well as investments would be in the best interests of all the countries within the Asia-Pacific area. After all South Korea was one of the so-called Asian Tigers in the 1980s that were successful due to extensive trade with the United States, Japan, and its neighbours (Tipton, 1998 p.427). Taiwan was another country that was included in the group of nations dubbed the Asian Tigers, due to a sustained period of dynamic economic growth and also rapid economic development. Taiwan had actually been part of China prior to the Communist take over of the Chinese mainland in 1949. The remnants of the Nationalist fled to Taiwan and went into exile. The anti-Communist stance of Taiwan’s government increased the chance of conflict with China. However, the threat of conflict with China also brought with it American military protection and financial assistance (Crystal, 2007 p. 339). Taiwan’s transition from an economically underdeveloped country towards becoming one of the so-called Asian Tigers began during the 1950s when the agricultural sector was made more efficient. Improved agricultural efficiency allowed more labour, material and financial resources to be used in a rapid industrialisation process (Tipton, 1998 p. 306). Taiwan was able to finance much of the in dustrialisation process through the increased exports of agricultural products and later the proceeds of selling industrial goods. The dynamic economic growth and impressive economic development was assisted by the diversity of the industries set up, which ranged from heavy industry such as steel, through to the manufacture of electronic components and consumer goods (Whitaker’s 2007 p. 1015). The government of Taiwan, with the private sector having little influence over decision-making controlled the initial moves towards the industrialisation and also the modernisation of the economy. As with South Korea and the other so-called Asian Tigers, trade was of vital importance to the success of the industrialisation and also the modernisation of the economy, as without trade economic growth and development would have occurred slowly if at all. Exports helped to pay for new factories, new machinery, besides raising levels of economic growth. In turn new factories and new machinery meant that Taiwan increased its productivity levels, and was then able to export more goods and products abroad. Higher export revenues greatly assisted the transformation of Taiwan into being a newly industrialised country, as well as subsequent progress towards being a fully developed country (Brown with Ainley, 2005 p. 157). The government of Taiwan changed its approach to achieving high levels of economic growth and development during the 1970s, allowing the private sector and foreign investment to have a much more pronounced influence over decision-making (Crystal, 2007 p. 339). Economic liberalisation would prove to be a precursor for both the democratization of Taiwan, and with efforts to strengthen trade links with other countries in the region (Tipton, 1998 p. 430). Economic growth rates remained impressively high throughout the 1980s, and could have been even better but for widespread corruption (Woodruff, 2005 p. 372). The maintaining of strong trading links, the improvement of other areas of trade, alongside attracting substantial foreign investments kept Taiwan’s economic growth and development as impressive as ever during the 1980s. Taiwan’s government however, along with other governments within the region regarded the expansion of trade within the region as being vital for the continuation of both economic growth and development (Tipton, 1998 p. 429). Trade with Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea also assisted regional economic development as a whole, and not just within each individual country. Trade between the so-called Asian Tigers stimulated all of their economies to the mutual benefit of them all. Trade with other countries such as the United States, China, Australia, and Russia was also considered to be important for the economic development of the region (Bannock, Baxter, Davis, 2003 p. 36). In 1989, the so-called Asian Tigers were amongst the founding members of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation organisation, an organisation which was intended to boost trade between all of its member states and thus provide further stimulus for regional economic development (Bannock, Baxter, Davis, 2003 p.10). Therefore, the so-called Asian Tigers were able to achieve high rates of economic growth and development through the economic policies adopted by their respective governments. The governments of South Korea and Taiwan at first played a prominent role in promoting economic growth and development in their countries. Taiwan had been a largely agriculture island of little significance until the former Nationalist government of China fled there. The South Korean government had the task of reconstructing its country after the Korean War. Both countries reformed their agricultural sectors as a means of funding industrialisation and modernisation programmes. To a degree both countries were also helped by American aid, especially South Korea due to their strategic locations during the Cold War. Trade was a vital stimulation for the high economic growth and development experienced by South Korea and Taiwan, particularly that with the other so-called Asian Tigers and with the United States. Tra de generated wealth, and it also stimulated foreign investment into all of the so-called Asian Tigers. Contact with other countries also had the unintended effect of promoting economic and political reform in South Korea and Taiwan. Both countries were keen to promote trade further, as demonstrated by joining the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation organization. Over all the entire link between increased economic growth and development within the so-called Asian Tigers and the improvement of the regional economic development, as a whole is strong. Bibliography Brown C, with Ainley K, (2005) Understanding International Relations 3rd edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke Crystal D, (2007) The Penguin Factfinder, Penguin, London Evans G Newnham J, (1998) The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, Penguin, London Hobsbawm, E (1994) Age of Extremes, the Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991, Michael Joseph, London Tipton F B, (1998) The Rise of Asia, Economics, Society and Politics in Contemporary Asia, MacMillan, Basingstoke Whitaker’s (2007) Whitaker’s Almanack – Today’s world in one volume, A C, London Woodruff W, (2005) A Concise History of the Modern World, Abacus, London
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Agility Logistics
In the business-economic system, logistics is one of the vital components that fuel success of companies. Every company has a special budget for logistics. Logistics is the aspect that manages the company’s flow of resources and information in order to conform to the consumers’ necessities  from inventory to packaging.Mainly, it is about the movement of funds and resources from one business to another until it reaches the customers. In the recent years, logistics has become a vital part of the production cost with its number ranging from 5% to 10%.Moreover, logistics isn’t just vital to businesses but to the government as well. According to research, logistics is even said to have originated from the military’s need to supply themselves with ammunition and arms. Military logistics, also known as combat service support, carry out the planning, development and maintenance of all military operations. It deals mainly on forecasting the supplies and ser vices needed.Military officials based their assessment and analysis on logistics. It helps greatly in the improvement of facilities and training. Because of the developments in military logistics, the government was able to develop strategies in national defense and security handling.To meet every company’s needs, the concept of third party logistics was formulated. A third part logistics provides outsourced logistics services to companies, thus making company’s obligations and responsibilities easier. Some companies hire a third part logistics instead of spending money in the creation of their logistics department.Currently, there are thousands of companies all over the world that specialize in the field of logistics, providing third part logistics for other companies. Among the top ten companies making names in third part logistics is Agility.Agility OverviewAgility is a company known world wide in the field of logistics, more specifically in third part logistics. It has more than 32,000 employees, and over 550 offices around the globe. Agility classified their services into three business groups: Global Integrated Logistics (GIL), Defense and Government Services (DGS) and Investments. The business groups are described in their official website www.agilitylogistics.com as follows:The Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) business group offers an integrated portfolio of logistics solutions supported by a comprehensive network of warehousing facilities, transportation and freight management services worldwide.Defense and Government Services (DGS), our government contracting group, leverages our global logistics network and our track record of exceptional service to provide comprehensive logistics solutions to the defense and government sector.Agility’s Investments business groups covers three lines of businesses – Real Estate, Private Equity and Trade Facilitation, and our expertise in emerging markets to develop superior investment opp ortunities.Agility’s customers range from businesses related to technology, various retail products to oil related industries. According to the president and CEO of Agility, Essa Al Saleh, â€Å"Agility offers customer-driven solutions dedicated to meeting our customer’s supply chain needs.†Each of Agility’s business group team is dedicated to meet each personalized customer needs in the complex economic system.One Company, Three Business GroupsOne notable strategy of Agility is the division of their company into three business groups: Global Integrated Logistics, Defense and Government Services and Investments. Each client has unique needs. Generally, needs are discussed in a very general and rather vague manner.With Agility’s three business groups, needs are narrowed until identified and classified among the groups. Each of the three business groups has specific functions and solutions particularly designed to answer the requirements of the clie nts.The economic system is very complex. In addition, the government also has needs that should be attended professionally. In the quest to becoming the leader in logistics, Agility made a strategy that will make them the first option of any company, business or government from all over the world when it comes to logistics needs.The services that logistics companies offer have a very wide range. By classifying the services into three specific areas, the clients readily see what Agility has to offer.One of Agility’s main shout out is serving its clients’ personalized needs. The three business groups serve this motto. Because of this strategy, whenever a client has logistics needs or whenever a client is looking for a logistics company to be outsourced, Agility will always be an option. For example, when a government agency, military for example,Global Integrated LogisticsSupply Chain SolutionsAgility has several services under its Supply Chain Solutions: Warehousing and Distribution, Facilities Management, Just-in Time, Vendor Managed Inventory, Employee Relocation, Contract Logistics Management, Origin Cargo Management, Direct to Store and Reverse Logistics.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Secret Shortcuts to Good College Essay Topics to Write about Only a Few People Know About
Secret Shortcuts to Good College Essay Topics to Write about Only a Few People Know About How to Find Good College Essay Topics to Write about on the Web If you're authentic, nobody can write the identical essay as you! Today there are many sources a student can depend on for a case of a personal essay. Individual schools sometimes need supplemental essays. Writing the college application essay is a difficult gig. College application essay topics are an essential portion of an entertaining and compelling bit of writing. Before it is possible to pick a compelling essay topic, first you need to know why there's an essay in the very first spot. Below, you'll discover a number of the ideal process essay topics that you could use for your paper. In open-ended essay assignments, deciding upon an essay topic gets crucial to the general success of the bit of writing. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper will help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. It will be simpler that you be aware all sources of information at the start of the work than try to get all them after the writing. So without further ado, here are a few effective writing tips to produce your common app essay stick out! Bear in mind you may make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. Sure, with this kind of a substantial selection of topics to pick from, picking just one may be challenging. To begin with, the exact first step is to learn the specific topic you would like to write about. The only rule to follow when picking a topic for your college essay is to select the topic you're eager to write about. While students may initially enjoy the idea of picking an essay topic, they soon understand that the determination of essay topic ideas can be somewhat difficult. You could possibly be given the topic straight away by your professor, or you can be free to opt for the topic yourself. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points you may counter to your own points. What You Don't Know About Good College Essay Topics to Write about Our online tutors can also assist you with the best method to start computer science essay that will fulfill the qualifications of an excellent paper standard. College is an intellectual place so attempt to convince the board that you're the correct person in their opinion. On the flip side, some argue that the expense of college leaves students with crippling debt they'll never have the a bility to repay. Colleges are more inclined to admit students who can articulate certain explanations for why the school is an excellent fit about them beyond its reputation or ranking on any list. You should try out the different search engines to find an overall view of the present trend being searched online. Colleges are searching for a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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